Shama Sikander Shares "Gorgeous" Swimsuit Photo

Indian actress Shama Sikander is spreading love and light on a visit to the beach. Sikander, 42, shared a snap of herself posing in the sand in a hot-pink bikini, with gold earrings and a pair of white sunglasses completing her summery look. "Did someone say you be the next 🐍😛," she captioned the post. "Gorgeous," an admiring fan commented. Sikander's job is to be camera-ready—so how does she do it? Here are 5 ways the star stays fit and beautiful.
Running and Stretching
Sikander goes running every day, and makes sure to moisturize afterwards. "I work out a lot and make sure that I don't skip my daily jogging sessions," she says. "I also do a lot of stretching. When you lose weight considerably, there are chances of getting stretch marks. Try and put on a good body lotion after a bath. This can help to a certain extent."
No Oily Food
Sikander avoids oily, processed foods, preferring to stick to healthy fruits and vegetables. "I always avoid eating oily food," she says. "For the summers I prefer to have lots of fresh fruit juices. My personal favorites are orange and watermelon juices."
DIY Beauty
Sikander uses basic kitchen ingredients to make at-home hair masks. "I also use a mixture of egg white, yogurt and coconut oil as a hair mask," she says. "I recently discovered this DIY mask and it gives great results. My hair becomes smoother and healthier. For a quick pick-me-up, I love to just apply a mix of a little honey and few a drops of lemon on my face for an instant hydration boost."
Beautiful Skin
Sikander swears by sunscreen and face masks for beautiful skin. "I never skip applying a sunscreen in the morning and at night I repeat the whole ritual except this time I apply the night cream," she says. "Once a week, I also like to apply a glow or hydrating mask by glam glow or a night watermelon mask by Glow recipe. I also try out some homemade beauty recipes like the haldi, ataa and ubtan scrub that is usually applied during weddings. My mom adds some almond oil and crushed nuts into it with some chandan powder. It smells delicious and gives amazing results! I apply it all over my body or concerned areas leave it for five minutes and then scrub it off!"
Regular Self-Care
Sikander never skips her self-care treatments. "Manicure and pedicure are a must for me every fifteen days," she says. "No look is complete without attractive hands and feet. I use a suntan lotion on my feet whenever I'm wearing chappals during summers. I prefer not using any makeup when I'm not shooting. Before going out, I apply translucent powder on my face along with kajal and a lip gloss. A cooling moisturizer is a must everyday."