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Rachel Aust in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shares "Fitness Motivation"

"Show up imperfectly consistently, never quit on yourself..."

Rachel Aust is a fitness influencer and coach. She shares a lot of tips on Instagram. Aust also shares her own journey with fitness. She recently shared a before and after photo, captioning it, "Thankyou for 400k 🖤🌹🕷️ this year marks 10 years of picking up heavy circles and putting them back down. Picture on the left is 10 years ago, after my first PT session in the gym, and the picture on the right is my checkin photo this morning. And if I can give you any piece of advice, it's to show up imperfectly consistently, never quit on yourself x Fun fact: I recomped so hard I am the exact same weight (72kg) in both pics haha."


She's Consistent

One of Aust's biggest fitness tips is being consistent. She talked about this in the caption of this Instagram post. "Reaching your fitness goals involves a journey of consistent efforts.

Whether you're aiming for muscle gain or fat loss, transforming your body doesn't happen overnight. It's about embracing the daily grind, the seemingly small habits. These mundane actions may not seem significant on their own, but they collectively lay the foundation for progress. It's the repetition of these behaviors, day in and day out, that ultimately leads to the results you desire. So, stay committed to the process, even when it feels monotonous, because every step you take and every healthy choice you make is a step closer to your goal."


She Doesn't Strive For Perfection

Aust doesn't strive for perfection. She shared her tips for obtaining this mindset in this Instagram post. Aust captioned it, "Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a relentless pursuit of perfection, where every meal needs to be meticulously planned, every workout flawlessly performed, and any deviation feels like a major setback? Then you fall into a loop where you overeat, maybe skip some training sessions, and have to pull together so much energy to get yourself back 'on track'. But here's the thing – you're not alone in this struggle. It's a frustrating cycle that many people find themselves in, striving for an unattainable standard and feeling defeated when we inevitably fall short. If you're tired of the perfectionism/self-sabotage loop and ready to break free from its grip, I'm here to help."


She Takes Care Of Her Skin

Skincare is important to Aust, and she talked about this in the caption of this Instagram post. "When your client applies your skin healing protocols, and THIS is what happens [check the second slide!!!!] 🙀I've been there myself, dealing with my PCOS, as you can see from the first slide. I know what acne is like. When you feel like you can't look anybody in the eyes because you're embarrassed of your skin. Doing your makeup even though you're already running late because you can't stand the thought of being outside the house with a bare face. Yes, we can do all the mindset work and feel more confident even when our skin isn't where we want it to be yet, but we can also rapidly improve our skin if we have the right protocols in place."


She Cooks

Aust loves to cook healthy meals. In this Instagram post, she shared her recipe for sesame chicken pasta salad. Aust captioned it, "Seeing how this recipe is going wild over on the blog I thought I'd make it as an easy to bookmark post for you here! Because idk about you guys but when I see food ideas I like the look of I always bookmark them into a recipes folder."


She Makes Good Choices

Aust talked about the importance of making good choices in the caption of this Instagram post. "It's all too easy to find ourselves entangled in the routine of making identical choices and resorting to familiar coping mechanisms amidst the chaos of a hectic schedule and the demands of life. The comfort of the familiar often feels like a safe haven, providing solace during moments of stress. However, there lies a profound truth in recognising that genuine growth emerges from moments of discomfort. It's in those instances when we dare to step outside the confines of our habitual choices that we open doors to transformation. To attain different results, we must, at times, embrace the unfamiliar and challenge ourselves to make choices aligned with the person we aspire to become, rather than clinging to the patterns of our past selves. Take the opportunity to make a different choice today."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more