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Nora En Pure in Workout Gear Hikes in the Swiss Mountains

n Pure recently went on a hike in Switzerland.

Nora En Pure is a very successful DJ known for feel-good vibes. She's also known for spending a lot of time outside. En Pure recently went on a hike in Switzerland, and shared some photos from the day on Instagram. She captioned the post, "Here's another chapter of incredible Swiss mountain scenery for ya." How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Nora En Pure stays in shape and the photos that prove they work.


She Enjoys Her Job

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En Pure talked about her love of her job in an interview with Face The Current. "I really live for the music. Music always manages to distract me when I don't feel great by taking my mind away to another place. The heavy touring can be difficult at times, as it is a lot of alone time and not easy for the body and mind. But then the feedback that I get from people when they tell me how my tracks or performances have affected them in a positive way, makes all the hardcore touring schedules pay off."


She Reduces Her Stress

En Pure tells Face The Current that spending time in nature helps reduce her stress. "Usually when I am out in nature, in stunning places, it always reminds me that the stress I feel in normal life actually means nothing and we take ourselves and our problems way too seriously. I guess most of us could live a much more simple and more meaningful life, but we get caught up. With the record 'Diving With Whales,' I tried to express some of these thoughts and feelings and tried to touch the listener right there, just as a reminder that there is much more out there."


She Surfs

En Pure does a lot of outdoor activities to stay in shape. One thing she likes to do is go surfing. En Pure shared this photo of herself with her board in Bali on Instagram. She captioned the post, "So hyped to return to #Bali this week 🙃🌴🐒 if I make my way out of the jungle & the sea you can catch me @savayabali this Saturday." In this post of Bali highlights, En Pure is also seen surfing. 


She Swims

Surfing isn't the only water activity En Pure does to stay in shape. She also loves to go swimming. She shares a lot of photos on Instagram of herself in the water. In the first photo in this Instagram post, En Pure is seen swimming in Bali. She also shared this reel of herself swimming. En Pure captioned that post, "Dive in 🌊 Current releases & favourites updated in my Spotify playlist 🔗 link in bio & story."


She Hikes

As you can see from her Instagram post, En Pure loves to go for hikes. Piedmont states that hiking has a lot of benefits. "Going up and down hills gets the heart pumping, creating a great cardio workout. Like most cardio exercises, hiking helps reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even some cancers. Hiking is a weight-bearing exercise, which builds muscle mass and helps prevent osteoporosis. Hiking can help you manage your weight."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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