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Athlete Haley Adams in Two-Piece Workout Gear is "The Best"

“What a babe,” added a fan.

Haley Adams is competing in a CrossFit competition – in her two-piece workout gear. In a new social media post the athlete shows off her strong body in workout clothes during an intense competition. "The best," commented one of her followers. "What a babe," added another. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits. 


How She Discovered CrossFit

A natural athlete, Haley started getting burnt out with gymnastics and cross country. Next to her gym was a CrossFit studio. "Wow, that's really cool, and I would love to try that," she thought. "I looked up CrossFit Games because I knew nothing about it, but I would see these girls competing and they had just had the teen division the year before because I remember watching that," Adams told Muscle & Fitness. "With being very competitive, I wanted to try it and I was able to make the games the next year and after that, it was a wrap. I just fell in love with the process, training and the rest is history."


Average Workouts

Here are two workouts that Haley has shared on social media:

Workout 1

AMRAP – 4 sets of:

  • 15 burpees over rower
  • 35/45 calorie row
  • 15 burpees over rower
  • Max wall-balls in remaining time (20/14) 10 ft

Rest 90 seconds between each round.

Workout 2

For time:

  • 5 rope climb
  • 20 squat snatch (135/95)
  • 5 rope climb
  • 15 squat snatch (155/105)
  • 5 rope climb
  • 10 squat snatch (185/125)
  • 5 rope climb
  • 5 squat snatch (205/145)


What She Eats in a Day

Breakfast: Haley fuels her body with digestible carbohydrates.

  • Toast
  • Honey
  • Banana

41g carbs, 5g protein, 1g fat.


  • Intra Workout Carbs, 20g


  • Brown Rice
  • Tomato
  • Mushrooms
  • Chicken
  • Pepper
  • Onion
  • Hot Sauce
  • Apple / Clementine
  • Crunchy Fudge Bar

116g carbs, 71 protein, 15g fat.

Dinner 1

  • Egg white waffles
  • Toast

28g carbs, 25g protein, 0.5g fat.

Snack 1

  • Pineapple

47g carbs, 2g protein, 0g fat.

Snack 2

  • rice cakes

99g carbs, 12g protein, 18g fat.

Dinner 2

  • dinner bowl & sweet potato

100g carbs, 41g protein, 10g fat.

Overnight Oats

36g carbs, 17g protein, 6g fat.



Adams focuses on recovery. "I love the sauna," she says. "I'm usually in there for about 25 to 30 minutes and about two to three times a week." Should you take a dry sauna? While some claim the health benefits of saunas are plentiful, including detoxification, increased metabolism, weight loss, increased blood circulation, pain reduction, antiaging, skin rejuvenation, improved cardiovascular function, improved immune function, improved sleep, stress management, and relaxation, there isn't a lot of research backing up the claims. 



"Obviously, a lot of sleep as well," is helpful. "I try to get a minimum of eight hours a night," she says. "Learning more about my sleep, recovery, what things help me feel better, and having the data to prove it has been huge," she recently said on the Whoop podcast. "Even the little things, like when I eat, what I eat, and knowing how that affects me have made a big difference with my performance."

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