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Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles Star Tracy Tutor in Two-Piece Workout Gear Says "Put in the Hours"

Tutor prioritizes fitness with strength training, cardio, and a strong work ethic.

Tracy Tutor, a well-known real estate agent and TV personality from Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles, is passionate about staying fit and prioritizing her health. In a recent Instagram video, she shared her thoughts on work ethic and consistency, stating, "You can fake a lot of things in life, work ethic is not one of them." Tracy, who is dedicated to putting in the hours both in her career and workouts, uses fitness as a tool for success and maintaining balance in her life. Her workout routine includes strength training, cardio, and lower-body exercises, proving that her commitment to staying strong reflects her approach to her overall well-being.


She Works Her Legs

In her Instagram video, Tutor is seen doing lower body workouts. Specifically, she is seen doing donkey kicks and diagonal leg lifts. Leg workouts have a lot of benefits. Piedmont reports, "Having strong glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles gives your body a strong foundation and can: Tone your lower body muscles. Boost your metabolism as you increase muscle mass. Give you a higher calorie burn as you train larger muscle groups. Improve your balance."


She Works Her Abs

Tracy Tutor/Instagram

Tutor is seen doing ab workouts in her Instagram video. She is seen doing bicycle crunches and holding a plank. Ab workouts are extremely important. The Mayo Clinic states, "Core exercises train the muscles in your core to work in harmony. This leads to better balance and steadiness, also called stability. Stability is important whether you're on the playing field or doing regular activities."


She Uses Weights

Tutor loves to strength train to stay in shape. She talked about this in an interview on The Daily Dish. "Over the course of the last several years, I've been working out a lot, changing my eating habits, but I think the most important thing that I have done that has changed my body is definitely strength training. As women, we never wanna lift heavy weights because we were told for so long it was gonna make us bulky. It is the polar opposite of that."


She Prioritizes Health

Tutor opened up about prioritizing her health in an interview with Camille Styles. "During Covid, my biggest lesson was learning to prioritize my health. I'm getting to the age where it's extremely important to get enough rest and make sure I get truly restorative sleep so that I can be effective throughout the day. I haven't nailed all the perfect habits–I know I should be turning off my phone well before bedtime–but I'm working on it!"


She Does Fat Burning Cardio

Tutor makes sure to do cardio workouts. However, she tells Camille Styles that she has changed what cardio she does. "When I was younger, I focused on more intense cardio–I thought it was about going as long and hard as possible. As I've gotten older, I've learned to focus on more fat burning and moderate intensity cardio–this allows me to eat what I want, drink what I want, and feel good in my body. It also keeps me from injuring myself or burning out, so that I can rebound and stay consistent, rather than hitting these intense physical peaks and valleys."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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