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Mark Wahlberg's New Workout Vid Shows He's More Ripped Than Ever at 53

Here's how the actor stays incredibly fit and jacked.

Every workout enthusiast is likely familiar with the fact that Mark Wahlberg trains like a total beast. The 53-year old actor, producer, and entrepreneur has always made exercise top priority—and it shows. A few interesting tidbits? Wahlberg started his career as rapper Marky Mark and a model for Calvin Klein ads. In fact, he modeled for the brand with Kate Moss back in 1992. He was buff then, and he's buff now.

Mark Wahlberg's new workout video shows just how ripped he is at 53. We're here to dive into what keeps the celeb ultra-fit and forever jacked.

Mark Wahlberg Used To Work Out Every Day

The Flight Risk star has his workout routine down pat. Wahlberg trains hard at the gym and considers rest and recovery just as important.

In a previous interview with Men's Health, Wahlberg revealed he works out three days in a row, then carves out time for a rest day. The next two days in a row, he works out, and on the seventh day, he rests.

His regimen used to include exercise every single day, and he ate more food, too. "Everything for me was so extreme," Wahlberg told Men's Health.

Since then, he seems to have found the perfect balance that works well for him.

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He Never Skips Out on Training—Even When Filming

Even during his recent filming in Paris, Wahlberg did not skip out on his fitness regimen. The celeb posted a few photos and videos at the gym, which he dubs being part of the "4am club."

In his most recent workout video, Wahlberg's dedication to his fitness is clear. He says, "Last Monday workout for The Family Plan 2 … did not miss a Monday—didn't miss a day."

In the clip, Wahlberg is shown doing TRX training, heel-elevated dumbbell squats, seated leg extensions with very heavy weights, barbell back squats, and Bulgarian split squats.

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In another "4am club" workout video at Technogym in Paris, the actor puts his lower body to work yet again—and his quads are seriously jacked! Wahlberg is shown performing seated leg presses, leg extensions, barbell back squats, and heel-elevated dumbbell squats.

Even in 35-degree weather, Wahlberg completed part of his early-morning workout outside in the street—namely, barbell walking lunges. He captioned the post, "5am finishers."

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He Does Cold Plunging

Oh, and did we mention Wahlberg is a fan of cold therapy? So much so that the actor snapped a video taking a dip in the Cold Life pod in what appears to be his Paris hotel room. He captioned the post, "No matter where we are, we take the plunge."

In the video, Wahlberg says, "We're taking a splash, and then we're going to the gym. You know it's Sunday morning, right? Sunday morning, 4 o'clock—doesn't matter; there's only one way to start the day. It's that Cold Life, baby." As Wahlberg jumps in, he says, "Get a little pray time, a little meditation."

Alexa Mellardo
Alexa is a content strategist, editor, and writer based in Greenwich, Connecticut. She has 11+ years of experience creating content for travel, lifestyle, fitness, wellness, F&B, home, and celeb news publications. Read more
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