11 Amazing Bodies of Bosch Stars

Everybody Counts or Nobody Counts. That's the motto of "Bosch." And that all-in attitude suits the stars of the show. Here, discover how Titus Welliver's martial arts discipline, Jamie Hector's unique approach to acting, Amy Aquino's commanding presence, and Jason Gedrick's wellness secrets contribute to their dynamic performances. Join us as we explore the fascinating blend of talent, discipline, and wellness that makes the cast of "Bosch" truly remarkable.
Titus Welliver
Titus Welliver plays the title character Harry Bosch on the original series and spinoff. He tells Muscle and Fitness that he loves martial arts like karate. "I like to hit the heavy bag and kick, and do some stretches, but work doesn't allow me the same amount of time. It's not an excuse, I just find myself not able to commit the same amount of time. As a young kid I was very committed to martial arts. I studied jiujitsu and eventually got into some kenpo and Krav Maga, which isn't really a martial art, but a great combat system."
Jamie Hector
Jamie Hector played Detective Jerry Edgar on the original series. He tells DScene that like his co-star Welliver, he studies martial arts. "It was a combination of all. I believe in divine intervention. I believe in drills and repetitions. So I studied at Lee Strasberg, and I also studied at Meisner, and one of the foundations of Meisner and its ways is repetition. And I really have an appreciation for that. And that's drills, right? You keep repeating, and in martial arts, it becomes muscle memory. So if someone strikes you, you automatically block. It's just muscle memory. You don't have to think about it. And that's it. The thing we don't want to do when we get into a creative space is to think about what we are about to do when we can just exist. I would have to say that all of those principles in martial arts also apply to acting and vice versa."
Amy Aquino

Amy Aquino played Lieutenant Grace Billets on the original series. She tells Spinster Sisters that she always wants her presence to be known. "Look at me, listen to me. I just take up space. I do really badly when someone asks me to be shy and retiring… I don't do it that well and it's kind of a waste of my energy. My energy is opinionated, it's strong, it's bossy and once you get on that train which I got on a long time ago… you know I've got a deep voice, I'm tall… I'm big… I take up space!"
Jason Gedrick

Jason Gedrick played Raynard Walts in the first season. He talked about his wellness secrets with The Chicago Sun Times. "I can't say that I'm a hardcore dietitian," he said. "I do manage how much fat intake and preservatives I eat each day. I try to eat preservative-free foods. I think the best health idea is to be conscious."
Sarah Clarke

Sarah Clarke, who played Eleanor Wish in seasons 1, 2, and 4, talked about what she enjoys about acting in an interview with Fan Fest. "I think as an actor you always want more, I guess. But I've been very satisfied too with arcs that have been very rich and full. And so I do my thing and then go do something else. I think it can be sort of frustrating if you don't get to do very much and you're still there day to day just in the background."
Jeri Ryan

Jeri Ryan played Veronica Allen on three seasons of the show. She is a prominent activist, and shares a lot of informative posts on Instagram. One cause Ryan is passionate about is gun control. She shared an article calling for gun control from The New York Times in this post. Ryan captioned it, "Front page of the @nytimes Sunday Review section today. But please, do go on about how 'gun laws don't work because criminals don't follow the law.'"
Mimi Rogers

Mimi Rogers plays Honey Chandler in both the original series and spinoff. In an interview with The Los Angeles Times, Roger spoke out against beauty standards for women. "Supposedly, we're in an age in which women are more equal and have more power and respect than at any other time," Rogers said. "And yet we still have these bizarre pressures and expectations about looking youthful. It's still a horrible societal bias."
Erika Alexander
Erika Alexander played Connie Irving on seasons two and three of the original series. She also started her own podcast, Finding Tamika, to bring awareness to the 2004 murder of Tamika Huston. In an interview with Audible, Alexander spoke out against Missing White Women Syndrome, which is when cases of murdered white women get more attention in the media than women of color. "It's a harm that people can't quantify because most people don't know that it exists. The problem is that if this group of people thinks that they can go missing, and that no one will look, it affects their self-esteem. It affects how they move in the world. It affects their choices. It makes you a sitting duck, so it's unacceptable in any society. It should be just not even possible. We should have statistics; we should have organizations and foundations. We should have all sorts of networks systemically.
Madison Lintz
Madison Lintz has played Maddie Bosch on the original series and spinoff. She talked about what she loves about acting to SweetyHigh.com. "I love the challenge of it. I love how exhilarating it can feel, even in seemingly mundane moments. I love being able to throw my heart and soul into every scene. I love how there's always more to discover about a character, one more element of a scene to consider. I love working with actors who are also passionate about what they do."
Anthony Michael Hall

In season two of Bosch: Legacy, Anthony Michael Hall played Will Barron. In an interview with FOX News, Hall talked about being a child star, and how he coped with the fame. "I was blessed in life that I come from a good family," he said. "I was fortunate to work with some great people who looked after me. They gave me opportunities and nurtured me as a kid growing up. I started young. I was kind of a funny kid. I had some talent, but I also had influential figures in my life who opened me up to a career, an industry. I'm eternally grateful to them."
Jessica Camacho

Jessica Camacho played Jade Quinn on Bosch: Legacy. She shared her wellness secrets in an interview with Parade. "I make sleep a priority. I truly need eight hours to function at my best. If I can't get that when I'm working a heavy schedule, I'll pamper myself with naps, which are just heaven to me. Also, I try to dedicate myself to cultivating a meditation practice. Sometimes it's hard for me to include that in the chaos of a busy day, but when I do, I truly feel more balanced, at peace, and capable of handling stress. I'm working towards meditating on a daily basis."