20 Amazing Bodies of Female Rugby Players

Rugby is a sport celebrated for its blend of strength, strategy, and teamwork. Female rugby players, in particular, showcase a unique blend of athleticism, dedication, and passion. From their perspectives on wellness, to their stance on important issues, to their sheer love for the game, these 20 amazing female rugby players have inspired many both on and off the field. Their stories remind us of the diverse paths one can take to success, and the myriad of challenges and joys one can encounter along the way. Let's delve into the lives, thoughts, and careers of these incredible athletes.
Portia Woodman

Portia Woodman tells Stuff.co.nz that she isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, but she is toning it down. "It is who I am, but being more in the limelight I have to be more conscious of what I say. Like at the World Cup when I said I didn't think men would handle it (a four-day break between games), what I was really trying to say was we'd like more time between games ourselves. In saying that, I'm not going to say sorry for what I do stand up for. There are things I'm staunch about and I'll stick by them."
Emily Scarratt

Emily Scarratt shared her wellness secrets in an interview with Opium Nutrition. "My nutrition ethos is probably to eat everything in moderation and eating for the situation. There are lots of different times in the week or in the season that require slightly different nutritional demands so it's important to understand where you're at and how best to make the most of the current phase you are in."
Sarah Hunter

When it comes to food, Sarah Hunter bases it on what workout she's about to do. "If the session is going to be high intensity, I'll need to consume more foods that will be higher in carbohydrates to give me more energy," she explained to The Huffington Post. "If I've just done a strength-based session I'll consume some high-quality protein to speed up muscle repair. I tend to eat regularly throughout the day to keep my hunger down and energy up. I make sure I stay hydrated and take creatine, Sports Vitamins and Omega 3 fish oils, as well as protein shakes after a work out – training can put a lot of strain on our bodies so I want to ensure that I have all nutrients I need to stay healthy."
Magali Harvey

Magali Harvey wants to be a role model for other women in rugby. She talked about this to the Montreal Gazette in 2014. "I think the fact that it was shown on TV is going to make a huge difference because women around the world, and especially in Canada, got the chance to see what we were doing on the field and see what it was all about," Harvey said. "So I'm hoping that it's going to promote the sport and push females around Canada to want to try that sport or any other sport as a matter of fact."
Kelly Brazier

Kelly Brazier opened up about the impact rugby has had on her to WorldRugby.com. "It is not just a sport to me, it is a life, it teaches you to be a better person, it teaches good character and because there is so many things it gives you, you want other people to try it to see why you are so in love with the game."
Fiao'o Faamausili

Fiao'o Faamausili tells E-Tangata that she has a lot of support from her family, and she wants other players to have the same feeling. "What I love is seeing our young ones, my nephews and nieces, enjoying sport — and their parents and families getting behind their kids out there. There's so much we can all get out of sport that benefits your whole life. And, if we keep active and enjoy sport, our kids will aspire to do the same."
Nolli Waterman

Nolli Waterman talked about her career in an interview with The Guardian. She says that she's very driven, which has helped with her success. "In the end it comes down to what drives a person. As I child I thought it would be incredible to go to an Olympic Games but I never imagined it was going to happen. Rugby was my sport and that was where my heart lay."
Kendra Cocksedge

Kendra Cocksedge has had to work hard in the rugby world because of her short stature. However, she told the New Zealand Herald that she didn't let the doubters stop her. "I really had the drive to prove people wrong and it made me work harder to be the best player out there," she says. "I wasn't going to let anyone stop me from playing the game I love. I also had to silence that voice in my head and tell myself not to worry about what other people think."
Jessy Trémoulière

Jessy Trémoulière talked about how she wants people to see her and her career to RugbyWorld.com. "The image I wanted to leave is a positive one, to put the girls on the right track, to see what the high performance is, to see how far we can go. I leave it all in their hands and I hope that they will realise that you have to work hard to have fun. And then, on the pitch, we'll have all the more fun."
Danielle Waterman

Danielle Waterman is dedicated to getting equal pay for female athletes. She talked about this to The Telegraph. "People don't realise from the outside how little financial support female athletes get. I still buy my own boots as the longest standing England player. There are so many things, I think will come out over time that people don't realise what we do battle with. I think it was published that the women's professional contracts are less than the men earn for one game."
Sharni Williams

Ahead of the Rugby World Cup Sevens in 2022, Sharni Williams talked about how she's approaching it to RugbyWorld.com. "I guess that's part of my career – to keep challenging myself and keep pushing those limits. I'll try and slot myself in there with my knowledge and experience and really rally around the girls."
Sarah Bern

Sarah Bern talked about her career in an interview with The Guardian. "I've always been very driven," she says. "I'll never do anything half-hearted, I'm not a person who really has a middle ground. For me, it's all or nothing."
Marlie Packer

In 2019, Marlie Packer talked about what her career goals were to The Guardian. "I made a couple of resolutions," she says. "I'm currently on dry January, which is something I thought I'd do. And I've given up chocolate too. And I'm trying to be more positive, not to dwell on the negatives, just keep looking forward. I'm a bit more of a senior player now. If you'd asked me five years ago I'd have said: 'Yeah I'm going to play rugby forever,' but now I'm in my latter stages of playing for England. So I want to make sure I grab it all and never let go of it until it's the right time. And I don't know how long I've got left, but I want to make the most of it."
Ruby Tui

Ruby Tui shared her wellness tips with Remix Magazine. "I try to keep my base nutrition good, get enough sleep and keep on top of my mental health. I feel mental health is very important, I always ensure I have downtime and time to reflect on myself. I love going to the beach, putting on a meditation track and just chilling out. Family time is also important."
Michaela Blyde

Michaela Blyde used to be insecure about her muscular body. She shared how she moved past this to ThisNZLife. "Seeing other women in the same situation made me understand there is nothing wrong with being a woman who goes to the gym. Love your body because it is healthy and strong. It's frustrating to hear people say that women who play rugby aren't feminine. We're as feminine as hell. I'm passionate about women understanding that their body is beautiful whether they're a size six or 14-plus."
Lydia Thompson

Lydia Thompson talked about her workout routine in an interview with Stylist. "I think variety is really important to keep it exciting and fresh, and it's nice to have a challenge. I like to master something so I always try make sure my gym session has a skill that I'm working on. When I first came into the sport, I didn't really lift weights, but I had to. For me lifting weights is about kind of giving myself that extra bit of edge on the pitch. I want to be strong and I want to feel capable and empowered and I want to be fast. Because I'm a winger I want to be able to lift the weights fast. So for me, I try and make sure my weight session is what I want to get out of it."
Chloe Dalton

Chloe Dalton is vocal about her struggles with heavy menstrual bleeding. She tells News.com.au that she wants to normalize these conversations, and wants to let others know they aren't alone and that help is out there. "My biggest piece of advice would be to not keep persevering and feeling like you have to push through on your own," she said. "And go to speak to a health professional so you can put things in place to address it in the best way possible."
Eloise Blackwell

In an interview with Stuff.co.nz, Eloise Blackwell talked about being captain of her team, the Black Ferns. "I just look back and think about all the other amazing leaders that have led me while I've been in this team – the boots are huge to fill when you think about those players. For me, it's a privilege and a massive honour for myself, my province, and also my family and friends that have been there with me the whole time."
Zoe Aldcroft

Zoe Aldcroft talked about wanting to represent and encourage female rugby players to The Rugby Journal. "I did my dissertation on the perception of female rugby players and a lot of people who haven't been to watch, judge it really quickly, but those who have been to watch have their whole mindset changed and are like, 'I don't understand why people aren't watching female rugby'. We need to make it more accessible for people to watch – people probably don't know that we are playing on Saturdays at a ground near them. Female rugby players can get that message out there and make sure we're in the best shape and we're not like fat lumps that are just running round the pitch. We need to make sure we're in the best condition, training well, presenting well and keeping our skill levels up."
Britt Benn

In a 2018 interview with CBC, Britt Benn talked about her experience in that year's World Rugby Sevens Series. "When we dipped below top three, I think that was a big challenge. We just have to tighten up our game a little bit and make sure that we don't make those defensive errors or offensive errors."