19 Amazing Bodies of Harry Potter Stars

Explore the fascinating lives and physical transformations of the beloved 'Harry Potter' stars in '19 Amazing Bodies of Harry Potter Stars'. This captivating series delves into the personal journeys, health routines, and career changes of the actors who brought the magical world to life. From Emma Watson's passion for intuitive cooking to Tom Felton's candid reflections on post-Potter acting challenges, each slide offers a unique glimpse into their world.
Emma Watson

Emma Watson played Hermione Granger in the film series. She tells Marie Claire that she is an avid cook. "I don't like using recipes — I like to cook things I just know how to cook. I figure if I went and really learned, I would be the kind of person who could open the fridge and be like, 'I know what I will make with this one piece of celery and this random piece of butter and this pasta.'"
Tom Felton

Tom Felton played Draco Malfoy in the films. In an interview with The Guardian, he talked about what it was like after the series ended. "First of all, I was confronted by the fact that I wasn't that good at acting. Auditioning as a 12-year-old is one thing – more or less making sure you don't look down the lens or forget lines – but as an adult it is very different. In LA it was getting on the circuit: three auditions a day, different scripts, different accents and dialects – skills I hadn't put into practice, even though I was very experienced in other ways. There were a lot of nos, and before I'd even said a word I could often see they were thinking: 'Don't have him, he's the Potter kid.' Harry Potter got me in the room, but often it was a huge disadvantage and I had to prove myself. Which I am so grateful for now."
Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe played the title role in the film series. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, he credited his parents for inspiring him to get in shape. "My parents do CrossFit," Radcliffe says. "They're in their sixties and they're insanely fit people, so I've just got to keep up with [them]. They're just setting a crazy bar."
Rupert Grint

Rupert Grint played Ron Weasley in the series, and also starred on Servant. He talked about starring in the latter project to Bustle. "I've never been a part of a show this long, really, apart from Potter," he says. "It's quite comparable. And in a way, [Servant] may be more significant, because personally so much has changed in my life. I've become a dad, and obviously we had the pandemic…"
Evanna Lynch

Evanna Lynch played Luna Lovegood in the series. Lynch is vegan, and talked about her favorite foods to The Beet. "I love a creamy banana smoothie in the mornings! I usually go with 1 banana, a handful of blueberries, a tbsp of flax seeds, oat milk and a scoop of Vivo Life protein powder. The Vivo vanilla protein powder is so delicious, it will make you want to get out of bed in the mornings!"
Matthew Lewis

Matthew Lewis played Neville Longbottom in the series. He talked about his fitness journey in an interview with Coachweb.com. "I've only sort of come into this fitness world in the last couple of years, and I was training for a film last year but we didn't have much time to prepare, so we just did as much as we could. I managed to get down to about 9.4% body-fat, I was pretty chuffed with that."
Bonnie Wright

Bonnie Wright played Ginny Weasley in the films. She talked about her diet in an interview with Sakara. "I've recently realized that I have quite a sensitive body in terms of when I was younger, all the food that we had was cleanly cooked. Everything would be steamed, and wasn't full of butter and things. When I started to eat too many rich foods, my taste buds changed and I think it affected my system way too much. My digestion took a bit of a beating. I recently did a 40-day complete detox of no caffeine, no alcohol, no sugar – not even natural sugars. Just vegan for 40 days. Even though it was pretty difficult, it did restart my body. Then I slowly started to introduce things one by one to see what affected me. It's amazing how your body is the best at telling you things. I think that until you really try for yourself, it's easy to have all these ideas about what you're meant to be doing to be healthy."
Scarlett Hefner

Scarlett Hefner played Pansy Parkington in the films. She and her husband, Cooper Hefner, like to go hiking together. The couple shared this Instagram collaboration of the two of them hiking. Cooper captioned the post, "Hiking in the best nature has to offer is like going home. Scarlett and I enjoying the beauty of Dripping Springs, TX."
Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter played Bellatrix Lestrange in the film series. She shared some of her beauty secrets in an interview with InStyle. "People say I look really good, and it's because I sleep a lot, which is the biggest collagen booster ever. It's amazing that I achieve anything considering how much I sleep. I snooze during the day and eight or nine hours at night to help collagen production."
Harry Melling

Harry Melling played Dudley Dursey in the films. He talked about being one of the lesser-known stars from the franchise, and how it helped him to People. "I think one of the blessings of that sort of stage in my life was the fact that I didn't get recognized. I had this history of being part of the films, but also I felt like I had the opportunity to sort of cause a new start, which I think is useful."
Dawn French

Dawn French played The Fat Lady in The Prisoner of Azkaban. She talked about her struggles with weight and finding acceptance with herself in an interview. "I'm not going to be stingy to myself anymore. I never did dislike anything about my body, even when I was very, very fat. I refuse to be forced to dislike myself. I used to get really angry when I did lose weight, people going, 'You look so well,' as if you looked awful before – rewarding you for managing it, which is not easy, I accept that."
Devon Murray

Devon Murray played Seamus Finnegan in the film series. In a Tweet, the actor opened up about his struggles with mental health. "I've been battling depression in silence for ten years and only recently spoke about it and has made a huge difference," Murray wrote. "I had suicidal thoughts this year and that was the kick up the arse that I needed! Open up, talk to people. If you suspect a friend or family member is suffering in silence #ReachOut to them. Let them know you care."
Josh Herdman

After playing the role of Gregory Goyle, Josh Herdman took up MMA fighting. "My dad boxes and I had been doing jiu jitsu for five years so I took it [cage fighting] up as a passion project," he told The Standard. "It's really exciting. Knowing someone is training to fight you is a strange feeling — it's quite addictive."
Kelly MacDonald

Kelly MacDonald played Helena Ravenclaw in the final film of the series. In an interview with The Telegraph, she talked about finding comfort in herself. "I feel like I'm growing into myself in a way I think you're supposed to, as a woman at this age," she says. "I've got a lot of older female friends who talk about their 40s in an inspiring and positive way. I think maybe because of my stature and frame, I felt like a little girl for a long time, and I was embarrassed if anything was very woman-y. I still prefer wearing trainers and boots rather than anything super-girly, but I feel, I dunno… more like a woman now."
Ralph Fiennes

Ralph Fiennes is one of the many actors who has portrayed Lord Voldemort. In an interview with Female First, he talked about managing his mental health and depression. "My mental health is such that I need to keep busy. If I don't give myself tasks, whether it's learning a language or doing exercise or something, I can sink. The morning time is the worst. In that weird place between sleep and wakefulness, I feel a low thing coming into me.But then I get up and start the day and I do stuff and it's sort of OK."
Frank Dillane

Frank Dillane also played Voldemort. His father is actor Stephen Dillane, and he opened up about following in his footsteps in an interview. Dillane says that he can't really watch a lot of his father's works. "My father is such an amazing, beautiful actor. He's incredible and he helps me a lot. We do a lot of work – we read plays together and he helped me to get into drama school. But I've found now if I watch him too much, he 'steals' me."
Genevieve Gaunt

Genevieve Gaunt was the original Pansy Parkington. She has worked in film, theater, and television. Gaunt talked about this in an interview with Frankly My Dear. "I absolutely love the fact that I've been going from theatre to film to TV because there are things about each medium which are exciting. I think any actor really goes for the project first, the part, who you're working with, what's the script like, but I love being able to switch between different forms."
Eddie Redmayne

Eddie Redmayne plays Newt Scamander in the Fantastic Beasts films. He talked about prepping for the role to The Belfast Telegraph. "Some actors could turn up on the day and talk to tennis balls and it would all be fine, but I don't have a good enough imagination. The great thing about our job, however, is you can use playing a character as an excuse to have fun, so I went to wildlife parks and met people who handle animals."
Katherine Waterston

Katherine Waterston plays Tina Goldstein in the Fantastic Beasts franchise. After creator JK Rowling's transgender comments were made, Waterston felt like she had to show support to the trans community. "Because I was associated with Fantastic Beasts, it felt important to communicate my position," she explained to The Independent. "One wondered if they might be grouped in with other people's views by association."