20 Amazing Bodies of Krista Allen and Soap Opera Stars

Highlighting the likes of Krista Allen from "The Bold & The Beautiful" and other celebrated names, here we explore their unique dietary preferences, exercise routines, and personal wellness philosophies. From vegan diets to Pilates, and from Keto to mindful eating, each star brings a distinct approach to maintaining their health and physique. This collection of insights provides a rare glimpse into the lives of these beloved soap opera icons, revealing the discipline and dedication behind their on-screen glamour.
Krista Allen

Krista Allen plays Taylor Hayes on The Bold & The Beautiful. Allen is a vegan, and she told One Green Planet in 2012 that she loves to cook. "Burgers and Fries are my specialty. I am a Texas gal so the grill is my significant other at this point! I also have been doing some very cool raw dishes and I'm enjoying that, too. So, I have a group of hungry beach goers coming over at 8, and I am making some Hang Ten Burgers (a Veggie Boom Boom original) and super crispy oven baked steak fries. I'll maybe throw in a cool micro brew for the drinkers and some organic sparkly soda for the non-drinkers and I usually do some chocolate chip cookies for dessert, or some fresh organic fruit with mint if it's hot outside."
Kimberlin Brown

Kimberlin Brown plays Sheila Carter on The Bold & The Beautiful. She revealed to Soap Opera Digest that she went on a diet when she returned to the show. "When I found out I was coming back to the show, I really hit Keto/Atkins. To me, Keto and Atkins are basically the same, and that's just the removal of sugar and flour and that helped the pounds come off super-fast, which is hard for me because I love my bread! But, it was something I was willing to give up to get myself back into soap opera shape. I still have a ways to go, but I'm really happy with where I started and where I'm at now, and that is important."
Katherine Kelly Lang

Katherine Kelly Lang plays Brooke Logan on The Bold & The Beautiful. She revealed to Soap Opera Digest that she makes fitness a priority. "Even with a family and a job and other things going on, if I don't feel physically strong or in shape, then I don't want to do anything — so that actually comes first sometimes. I've got to make sure I feel healthy and strong, and that helps everything fall into place. It makes me feel good, and it's also a stress reliever, so I have no choice. I have to do that!"
Cassandra Creech

Cassandra Creech plays Grace Buckingham on The Bold & The Beautiful. She talked about how she got into acting to Soap Opera Digest. "Growing up a country girl, you always want what you don't have, so I was thirsting for the city," she explains. "I just knew that was where I wanted to start. There was no question in my mind. It just made sense. It called to me, and it was so unknown to me — that freedom, that life…. I was excited and I was going to conquer the city. I was going to jump right in and I did."
Heather Tom

Heather Tom plays Katie Logan on The Bold & The Beautiful. She revealed on Twitter in 2016 that she was starting a new diet. "Starting my 5:2 diet today," Tom wrote. "I could use some social media support! Hold me accountable people!!!! #5:2."
Brook Kerr

Brook Kerr plays Portia Robinson on General Hospital. She talked about her diet in an interview with Soap Opera Digest. "I'm a grazer, so I have little bits as opposed to big meals. If I go to lunch with friends, I'll only eat half of my meal, and they'll be like, 'Nobody eats half of their meal!' But I'm like, 'It's two meals, lunch today and lunch for tomorrow!' I think of food as fuel or pleasure, and that's been good for me along the way."
Bonnie Burroughs

Bonnie Burroughs plays Gladys Corbin on General Hospital. She shared her diet secrets with Soap Opera Digest. "I firmly believe that crazy diets are not a solution that can be sustained over a lifetime. My advice is to make your own food so that you know what's in it, it doesn't contain polysyllabic chemical craziness. I tend to be better about portion control when I make my own food, whereas if I'm out at a restaurant, I tend to overindulge. You can enjoy things you like, but work on moderation; mix fresh things and protein and the occasional treat."
Lisa LoCicero

Lisa LoCicero has played Olivia Falconeri on General Hospital since 2018. She shared her diet secrets with Soap Opera Digest. "I've been on every kind of diet, I've been through every kind of [body image issue], whether it's body acceptance, body-loathing, body-shaming, the 'two pieces of macaroni' diet that I made up in my head. But the goal is to make healthy eating an add to your quality of life, not a detractor. You want to get to a place where you can recognize what foods, and what amount of food, actually makes you feel better. You cannot think of it from a standpoint of, 'I'm not going to eat any of the things I want so that I can fit into that smaller size of pants.' That is not sustainable, and it's no way to live. It has to be about what makes you feel better, day to day, moment to moment, not about fitting into a smaller size of clothing."
Courtney Hope

Courtney Hope plays Sally Spectra on The Young & The Restless. She shared her workout secrets and tips with Soap Opera Digest. "Switch it up with cross-training," Hope revealed. "As I mentioned before, mixing it up with your workouts is super-important. I love cross-training, which means switching it up with different types of workouts: strength training, cardio, high intensity, low impact, just to name a few! This allows your body the ability to create endurance, as well as strength, and prevents you from plateauing. Our bodies have muscle memory, so the more we can find the things that we like and mix it up on a weekly basis, the better results we get."
Kelsey Wang

Kelsey Wang plays Allie Nguyen on The Young & The Restless. She shared her diet secrets with Soap Opera Digest. "It's important to always eat a balanced meal. I eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and when I eat carbs or sugar, I make sure to also eat protein to keep my blood sugar from spiking. That way you have sustained energy throughout the day. And of course, moderation is the key, as well."
Cynthia Watros

Cynthia Watros plays Nina Reeves on General Hospital. She shared her diet secrets with Soap Opera Digest. "If I'm hungry, I eat. I do small meals throughout the day, and eat as healthy as I can. I don't eat a lot of meat, and I got into the habit of staying away from bread and anything that would be considered fast food. I've come to a place of just wanting to feel good in my body. I don't have a scale. Stepping on a scale, for me, was just making me feel bad, so it went into the garbage."
Tanisha Harper

Tanisha Harper plays Jordan Ashford on General Hospital. She shared her fitness secrets with Soap Opera Digest. "My typical routine at the current moment is a lot of Pilates," Harper says. "I go to a place called Natural Pilates that uses the Reformer machine. I do that about three days a week. I also incorporate yoga at least once a week, and occasionally, I will work out with a trainer, lifting weights, which is really great for the body and helps you be strong. I hike about two days a week, but I don't even really consider that exercise; it's more about being out in nature. Maybe once a month, I play tennis just to stay active and keep my body moving, and occasionally I do boxing, which is great for strength conditioning and keeping my stamina up. I get that it can be very hard to start working out if you're not in that habit, and listen, I have those days or weeks where I've been busy and haven't been in my routine and it's hard to get back into it. I say, always just start with walking. Get outside, walk in your neighborhood or go to a park and just get your body moving."
Sofia Mattsson

Sofia Mattsson currently plays Sasha Gilmore on General Hospital. She revealed that she eats a mostly vegetarian and vegan diet to Soap Opera Digest. "Keeping my body strong and energy levels good is the main importance of a healthy diet to me. I'm a huge food lover, so if a diet is too strict or boring it just makes me miserable and I can't maintain it. I'm on a vegetarian diet, and most often it's vegan, as well. I do that for ethical reasons, but it also has great benefits for my body. I have more energy, feel stronger and my skin is clearer and glowing. With so many great meat substitutes these days it's so easy to cut out meat. Soy, almond, rice and oat milk are such great alternatives to milk."
Brytni Sarpy

Brytni Sarpy plays Elena Dawson on The Young & The Restless. She shared her favorite workouts in an interview with ConnectWithLife.com. "I love cardio barre, it's great for fine tuning and sculpting. Hiking is also something I like to incorporate into my routine. Getting close to nature while raising your heartbeat is a win/win."
Zuleyka Silver

Zuleyka Silver plays Audra Charles on The Young & The Restless. She broke down her typical diet to Soap Opera Digest. "First thing in the morning, I drink lots of water to hydrate myself, which I think is a very important way to start my day. For breakfast I'll do overnight oats, which I love, but if I'm in a hurry, I'll have a piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter and slices of banana. Coffee is definitely a must. I'm not a big lunch person, so I'll have snacks throughout the day, such as a variety of fruit, even pomegranates, and also Greek yogurt with trail mix in it because I think adding trail mix makes it more fun. Sometimes I'll even do a smoothie. Dinner really depends on how lazy I'm feeling. Last night I had this delicious bok choy dumpling soup that I picked up at Whole Foods and warmed it up in the microwave. Or I'll throw something together like arugula, olive oil, sea salt, Manchego cheese, sliced avocado and grilled chicken, which makes a really substantial salad."
Hayley Erin

Hayley Erin has played Abby Newman in The Young & The Restless and Kiki Jerome in General Hospital. She talked about her exercise secrets with Soap Opera Digest. "I was really bad about exercising for a really long time, so I picked up Pilates, which I didn't expect to love as much as I do. It's not easy! My body hurt everywhere when I started. It's a full-body workout, but you're pretty much lying down all the time, which is totally my speed [laughs]. I try to go twice a week."
Cait Fairbanks

Cait Fairbanks plays Tessa Porter on The Young & The Restless. She told SoapHub that she likes to take workout classes. "I feel like the fun part of being in a group class is that you can push yourself further and be competitive in a good way," she says. "When I'm alone [working out], I have a different focus. Both are beneficial and [both] always make me feel good."
Haley Pullos

Haley Pullos plays Molly Lansing on General Hospital. She shared what she does to unwind with Soap Opera Digest. "I finally take off my full glam makeup and I do my whole skin care routine, drowning myself in different oils and creams. To chill and wind down, I'll do some evening yoga by following along to a YouTube video."
Camila Banus

Camila Banus plays Gabi Hernandez on Days Of Our Lives. She shared her workout secrets with Soap Opera Digest. "I work out like a beast three times a week. When I work out, it's like doing three workouts in one as far as intensity. Right now, I'm working out with a trainer. She's great because she has all these exercises that have been set up for me. That way, I don't have a moment to stop and think about what's next. I'll get three exercises within a set. For instance, I'll do double lunges across the floor, jumping squats and maybe some dead lifts. I'll do those three sets, three times, for 15-to-20 reps. It makes my workout really smooth and time goes really quickly. I also switch it up. I have three, three-day sets with the trainer, but in between those sessions, I go on hikes, try to play tennis or go to the beach and go for a run. Sometimes I'll take a Zumba class or pole-dancing class. I love to stay active."
Kirsten Storms

Kirsten Storms plays Maxie Jones on General Hospital. She revealed in 2021 on Instagram that she had brain surgery. "I'm not gonna lie, brain surgery had me nervous, but I'm immensely thankful to my family, friends, and incredible 'work family' who have been supportive, kind, and loving during a time when I've been feeling a lot of emotions."