7 Amazing Fitness Secrets of LPGA Rookies

Imagine you finally achieve your dream, after years of high-pressure: to play on the biggest stage for women's golf, the LPGA. Now the even harder work begins: You have to maintain your place there. How do this season's rookie crop keep their cool while keeping fit? Nataliya Guseva, Gabriela Ruffels, Isabella Fierro, So Mi Lee, Natasha Andrea Oon, Alexandra Forsterling, and Mao Sigo have shared their tips and here we've collected them for you.
Nataliya Guseva

Nataliya Guseva shares a lot of her workouts on Instagram, and even has an Instagram story highlight dedicated to it. In this story, she is seen lifting a landmine. According to The Mayo Clinic, strength training workouts like that one have a lot of benefits. "Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories."
Gabriela Ruffels

Gabriela Ruffels is very competitive, and she tells Golf Digest that she gets it from her family. "I get that from my parents. They showed me that excellence comes from putting focused effort into a goal every day. I love that lifestyle. My brother, Ryan, was playing golf (he's a professional golfer now, too), and my mom thought I might enjoy it. I joined Victoria Golf Club and took regular lessons. My brother has answered all of my golf questions from the start. Matches between us are super competitive, and he always tries to get in my head, so he credits himself with making me mentally stronger."
Isabella Fierro

Isabella Fierro opened up about her drive and motivation in an interview with LPGA. "Something that has been very clear since I was five years old is that I wanted to be the best player in the world on the LPGA Tour and to win majors and to be in the Hall of Fame and to play in the Olympics. That hasn't gone away. That's still my dream and even more. This is just the start. The LPGA Tour is not the end goal. It's just the beginning. I can't wait to learn more and to enjoy this process and be all in."
So Mi Lee

So Mi Lee plays golf to keep herself in shape. According to Circle Health Group, golf has a lot of benefits. "Golf is not a high-energy sport, but that doesn't mean it can't help towards weight loss. You might not feel like you're getting an intense workout, but all that swinging and putting, plus walking an 18-hole course, really does add up. On a typical round, you'll be almost constantly moving. This sustained activity keeps your heart rate up and at an optimum level for burning calories. But remember, you won't feel the same benefit if you opt for a buggy."
Natasha Andrea Oon

Natasha Andrea Oon likes to weight train to stay in shape. She shared this video on Instagram of herself doing deadlifts. Oon captioned the post, "Lift type of set- this is honestly one of my faves to do bcus we grow them glutes 👋 it's nearing the weekend so me and sam went HARD at the gym. Now we recover 🥖💯. enjoy this montage."
Alexandra Forsterling

Alexandra Forsterling talked about getting used to a professional career in golf to Golf Post. "The whole workload. You can organize it a bit freely and don't have to play in every tournament, but you feel like you want to play in every tournament. You have to use your breaks. It's a different workload than with amateur status, and dealing with the pressure is also a challenge. But I've gotten used to it."
Mao Saigo

Mao Saigo likes to strength train to stay in shape. She shared this video on Instagram of herself doing deadlifts with a barbell. Saigo captioned the post, "Work out day." The Mayo Clinic reports that strength training has a lot of benefits, including weight management. "Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories."