"Southern Charm," Bravo's hit reality show, takes us into the opulent world of Charleston's elite, blending Southern elegance with intriguing political and historical undercurrents. Since its premiere in 2014, the show has captivated audiences, leading to its ninth season and inspiring three spin-offs. The cast, known for their charismatic personalities and lavish lifestyles, also stand out for their commitment to fitness and wellness. This article delves into the fitness regimens and health philosophies of 11 of its most prominent stars, revealing how they maintain their enviable physiques amidst the whirlwind of social engagements and professional endeavors. From gym routines to outdoor adventures, and dietary insights to personal wellness journeys, these stars embody a blend of Southern charm and disciplined fitness regimes.
1. Shep Rose
Shep Rose has been a main cast member since its first season. Rose has been working on his overall health and fitness over the past few years. In this gym video he posted on Instagram, Rose is seen doing curls with workout bands. Rose captioned the post, “Shout out to all my people at Divosta And @pultehomes. I worked there in West Palm many moons 🌙 ago. Was arguably more valuable in the home builders basketball league than in the office.”
2. Austen Kroll
Austen Kroll joined the show in its fourth season. He also appeared on Winter House. Kroll likes to weight train to stay in shape. He shared this video on Instagram of himself doing bicep curls with a barbell. Kroll captioned the post, “Oh, what’s that? Sorry, I didn’t see you there. Just a little glimpse into my Thursday afternoon with @swollymammoth.llc #bisfortheguys
3. Olivia Flowers
Olivia Flowers joined the show in its eighth season. She spends a lot of time outside. One thing Flowers enjoys doing is going fishing, and shares a lot of fishing posts on Instagram. In this set, she and friends went fishing in Charleston. Flowers also posted these photos from Saint Petersburg, captioning them, “Caught some cute lil Spanish Mackerels last week in Florida.”
4. Naomie Olindo
Naomie Olindo joined the show as a friend in its third season. She was a main cast member on both the sixth and eighth seasons. Olindo shared her approach to drinking and diet on the Dabble Co podcast. “I just adjust to whatever my lifestyle is at the time. If I’m traveling a lot, I try to curb sweets and bad food because I know I’m going to be drinking. It’s just a balance. I don’t really restrict anything. I try to eat intuitively. I don’t always succeed. No one does.”
5. Cameran Eubanks
Cameran Eubanks was a main cast member on the first sixth seasons. She also appeared on The Real World: San Diego and two seasons of The Challenge. In an interview with People, Eubanks revealed that since becoming a mom, she wanted to start cooking and having family meals. "My family never really ate together, growing up, and that is a tradition that I would like to start with Palmer because it's important," says Eubanks. "We're so busy these days and I think just to have the time to sit down, not be in front of a TV or have your phone in your hand and be able to enjoy a meal, it is really good for children to experience that."
6. Danni Baird
Danni Baird was a supporting cast member on the show for its first seven seasons. She revealed to Bravo that she didn’t want to be a fulltime cast member, as she’s putting her career first. "Honestly, I literally am focusing on my career. Unfortunately, with artwork, you can't rush it. Yeah, I've really just been focused on me.”
7. Chelsea Meissner
Chelsea Meissner first appeared as a guest in season three. She then became a friend of in the fourth season, and a main cast member in seasons five and six. Meissner also appeared on Survivor: One World. She loves to swim to stay in shape. Meissner posted these photos on Instagram of herself wading in Honduras. She captioned it, “Working on my mind being just as clear.. Peek my highlight reel to view my recent video journal of the breathtaking island of Roatan.”
8. Craig Conover
Craig Conover has been a main cast member since season one. He’s also appeared on Summer House and Winter House, as his girlfriend, Paige DeSorbo, is a castmember on both shows. Conover told People that he decided to get in better shape, and started working with a trainer. "I made a decision one day that I was going to go back to the gym no matter how much it sucked. And it did suck. I was like, 'How the hell did I let myself get out of this habit?' I've made more money since I started going back to the gym than I ever have, because I'm going to the gym in the morning and just calling people all day."
9. Leva Bonaparte
Leva Bonaparte was a guest before joining the main cast in season seven. In this Instagram post, she revealed that she is taking tests to find her body’s intolerances. “I’ve always had the most perfect of health and I guess I abused it over the years somewhere with processed foods, lack of sleep, adrenal overload etc,” she wrote in the caption. “But now I’m healing, it’s a lot of moving parts. Trust the journey is not linear, but gaining control, really understanding via testing and detoxes what my body needs is primal to starting.”
10. Reagan Charleston
Reagan Charleston appeared on the spinoff, Southern Charm New Orleans. In an interview with People, she talked about rebounding from her divorce to finding love and starting a family. “I immediately realized what I had in front of me,” Charleston explained. “A second chance at love, at being happy, at a stable marriage, at having a family. I did not miss my chance to get on that boat. And yes, it wasn’t convention that I immediately was in another relationship after my divorce was finalized; I understand that. But when you know, you know. To stifle that or slow it down, it would have just felt like enormous regret.”
11. Barry Smith
Barry Smith was a main cast member on Southern Charm New Orleans. He and his co-stars talked about their diets in this video for BravoTV.com. “I’m known as the egg guy,” Smith said. “I eat egg whites. 12 egg whites, and I’ll prepare four meals throughout the day. I have five meals and two protein shakes. I eat maybe 300 grams of protein a day.”