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Brynn Whitfield Shares Swimsuit Photo Since "It's Friday, I'm in Love"

Here’s how this NYC girl stays active.

The Real Housewives of New York star Brynn Whitfield is just one of the many beautiful people vacationing in Greece this summer. Whitfield, 36, shared pictures of herself posing in a green swimsuit with matching green sarong, enjoying the blue skies and ocean water on board a luxurious yacht. "It's Friday, I'm in love 😉🥰," she captioned the post. How does Whitfield look so effortlessly chic? Here are 5 ways the reality star looks after her health and fitness. 


Tennis Matches

Whitfield loves to play tennis. "Did you know, playing tennis just 3 hours per week can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 56%?" says the United States Tennis Association. "Or, as one long term study shows, tennis players add 9.7 years to their life over sedentary individuals? Playing tennis has a wide range of health benefits that make it an ideal physical activity for anyone, at any age."


Hiking Trips

Whitfield enjoys hiking, especially when she's visiting Los Angeles.  "You don't have to go it alone next time you lace up your hiking boots," says the National Park Service. "Grab a friend, neighbor, or family member for more fun on the trail. Hiking with a partner, or even in a group, can improve the strength and health of your relationships."


Cycling Outdoors


Whitfield loves cycling outdoors when she's in London, with Hyde Park being a favorite spot. "It's socially oriented, it's fun, and it gets you outside and exercising," says Dr. Clare Safran-Norton, a physical therapist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. "If you have osteoporosis, consider riding a tricycle, which is more stable than a two-wheeler, posing less of a fall risk. Don't ride a bike at all if you've had a recent fracture. Another fall could make it worse."


Horseback Riding

Whitfield enjoys horseback riding (even Lisa Vanderpump's daughter Pandora said she wanted to join her for a ride!). "One of the benefits of regular exercise is lowered blood pressure; horseback riding is exercise," says the American Heart Association. "Lower blood pressure can reduce the risk of heart disease. Plus just being around animals has been shown to do that as well."


Dog Lover

Whitfield adores her English Springer Spaniel Pepper. Studies show the companionship of pets, especially dogs, are beneficial to human health, both mental and physical. "Dog owners are less prone to bouts of loneliness, anxiety, and depression," say the experts at Harvard Health. "Simply petting your dog can make you feel less stressed. One of the greatest benefits of owning a dog is that it encourages you to practice mindfulness — being in the present moment and fully appreciating life. Mindfulness can help you relieve stress and also improves your overall health."

Ferozan Mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more
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