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Dagny in Two-Piece Workout Gear is "Celebrating"

“I'm celebrating every release week in Italy from now on!"

Dagny is a very successful singer. She released her album last month. Dagny celebrated the release by sharing some photos from Italy on Instagram. She captioned the post, "I'm celebrating every release week in Italy from now on! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‹ Thank you for all the love on ELLE! Ti amo!" How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Dagny stays in shape and the photos that prove they work.


She Takes Her Time

Dagny opened up about her career in an AMA on Reddit. She says that she takes her time when writing songs. "Creativity requires time. And sometimes that means time away from everyday life and all the little things that steals your attention – and so I try to allow myself that once in a while. To go somewhere, for example, and just be all-consumed by the writing (I'll put my phone away for a start and not make any other plans, he he). And I give myself time to actually listen to my own thoughts to try and understand what I'm actually feeling, however clichΓ© that sound. I also try to remember why I do this: because I madly love music and I fall in love with songs by other artists, and so I'll just LISTEN to music without feeling like I have to perform in any way."


She Enjoys What She Does

Dagny said in her AMA that music is a pick-me-up for her. "Regardless of what's going on in the world, in your mind or just generally in your life. Music is amazing like that. It can work as a pick-me-up, or a warm hug or it can make a special moment feel even more special. Whatever you might need in that moment. If people ever say that music isn't important, I know that's not true, because I know what it can do and I think life would be just a little bit less colorful without music in it. So I feel very lucky to be able to spend so much time singing, making and sharing music, and I feel very lucky to connect with people through it."


She's Inspired


Dagny shared her influences in her AMA. "I'm a child of the 90s, so it's probably not so surprising that I LOVED the Spice Girls! That's how I go into pop. I would always dress up as Mel B and dance around the living room. During my upbringing and teenage years, I think I've been influenced by different artists at different times. Eva Cassidy made me pick up the guitar around 14-15 years old, I adore her voice and all the emotions in it. Then, I had a long period of Feist, a Canadian singer. She's just so fun, cool and quirky – I was heavily inspired by her in my early 20s. More recent years, I'd probably have to highlight Robyn as an inspiration. I actually first started listening to her because her name kept coming up in conversations in studio – then I became a MASSIVE fan. She's amazing. I love a lot of music that's a little bit "left of centre", so generally I listen to a lot of indie bands."


She Works Hard

Dagny makes sure to work hard, and shared the process behind her album in her AMA. "When making the album, I took lots of songs and productions that I loved and really zoomed in on the details. I wanted it to feel like an album – a journey – not just 12 songs that was randomly put together. For me, that was a really exciting process and I think I learned and grew a lot during those months in the studio. It was challenging, as I'd only done singles up until that point, but it felt very musical and I feel it gave the music more layers and depth in a way. When it comes to writing: some songs are just fun and energizing to write, whilst others feels so important but also heartbreaking to write. Used To You was kinda heartbreaking, but I love that song so much. Backbeat was just fun and carefree and vibey!"


She Loosens Up

Dagny revealed to BBC that she makes sure to let loose when recording. "I guess what happens is that you loosen up a little bit," she says. "We decided to do an EP without really putting too much thought into where it was going to lead us – but just more because it was fun and we wanted to just be in the studio and play music together."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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