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D'Andra Simmons in Workout Gear Is "Beyond Proud of Myself'

“I’m not stopping now!”

The Real Housewives of Dallas star D'Andra Simmons is giving herself well-earned kudos on social media for her gym gains. Simmons, 55, shared a video of herself wearing black two-piece workout gear, doing an intense strength training session. "I'm not stopping now! 👏Posting these workout videos really holds me accountable and I'm beyond proud of myself for gaining muscle and strength!" she captioned the post. Here's how the reality star and busy mom stays fit, happy, and healthy.


Dallas Beauty Standards

Simmons feels under pressure to match the beauty standards of Dallas. "All the women have to be glamorous and thin and basically look like they're stepping out of a photo shoot every time they leave their house," she told Page Six. "My mother has perfected the smokey eye at 8 a.m.! So she's never been overweight a day in her life. She's just this gorgeous, I mean statuesque woman and she always has been. And to keep up with all the beautiful women and what you're supposed to be — you're supposed to be glamorous. You're supposed to be classy. You're supposed to be thin. A size 2 would be preferable. I'm a size 6 so I'm a little bit over the limit!"


Beauty and Wellness

Simmons has been working in the beauty and wellness space for two decades with her brands Ultimate Living International, and Hard Night Good Morning skincare. "I enjoy helping sick people get well and seeing them get their lives back to a somewhat normal rhythm with my nutrition products, and I love seeing women recapture the fountain of youth with my skincare line," she told Adventures of Frugal Mom. "The testimonials I receive make me so very happy and warm my heart each and every day."


World Travel

Simmons is inspired by traveling the world with her husband. "Being married to a photojournalist helps a lot!" she told Adventures of Frugal Mom. "When we travel to different parts of the world, I find out what plants are indigenous to that area, and we will find a local tribe for example, that uses these plants as part of their culture. I interview the women and have them teach me how they use a plant for a beauty secret or a healing tonic."


Advice For Entrepreneurs

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Simmons has good advice for anyone who wants to launch their own beauty company. "Make sure you have a story that resonates with people if you are going to compete (yes, I said that) in the nutrition or beauty industry," she told Adventures of Frugal Mom. "This is a VERY competitive space that is oversaturated as it is, and the more you can differentiate yourself, the more successful you will be."


Strength Training

Simmons does strength and resistance training workouts at the gym. "A workout before my flight to Vegas, who am I? 👀😂 Since I worked extra hard in the gym Thursday I'll be indulging all weekend long while I'm in Las Vegas for the Super Bowl! I can't wait to eat & drink my way through sin city! ✈️," she captioned a video of herself working out.


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