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Emilia Beattie Stuns on Socotra Island with Her Toned Physique: "So Many Incredible Views"

Emilia Beattie, a travel influencer, shares her adventures on Socotra Island.

Emilia Beattie is a travel influencer. Recently, she took a trip to Socotra Island. Beattie shared some highlights on Instagram. In it, she is seen doing things like hiking and going to the beach. Beattie captioned the post, "The Magical island of Socotra! 🌺There are so many incredible views on this island I don't think I'll ever get over it! I've linked the tour we did in my bio with @travelingsocotra 🌞"


​She Swims

Beattie likes to swim to keep herself in shape. She is seen in the water in her recent Instagram post. Beattie also talked about her love of swimming in an interview with Daisy's Corner. "I'm a water girl so I love snorkelling to see the exotic underwater life. In a couple of weeks Joel and I have an opportunity to get our scuba diving PADI's so we are qualified to scuba whenever we want!"


She Hikes​

Beattie is seen hiking in her Instagram post. She shares a lot more hiking posts on her page. Hiking has a lot of benefits. Harvard Health states, "Like brisk walking, hiking is a good way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, particularly if your route includes some hills, which will force your heart to work harder. Taking a hike on the slightly uneven surface of a trail also provid


She Has A Job She Enjoys​

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A post shared by Emilia Beattie (@emiliabeattie)

Beattie talked about her journey to becoming a travel blogger in the caption of this Instagram post. "I thought I would be a professional Ballet dancer living in London, and spent ages 3-18 training as hard as I could to reach this goal. I didn't have a normal childhood and moved away from home at 13, and lived with a random family to follow my passion. Unfortunately, I pushed myself too hard, I became severely depressed and burnt out. I ended up having to quit everything I worked so hard for. It broke my heart into pieces. I spent a few years completely lost, working random jobs, and struggling badly with my mental health. I decided that I wanted to travel and get away from everything, and was lucky enough to meet Joel who shared my new dream of seeing the world. And now here we are a few years later, and I'm living out my dream of travelling, sharing YouTube videos with my boyfriend and hoping to inspire others with my videos on TikTok and Instagram! Life is far from perfect for me right now, my mental health is still something I'm struggling with, but I have found a new dream, and I'm finally feeling passionate about life again! If you're still reading to this point this is your sign that it's okay if things don't work out as perfectly as you imagined, because you're capable of creating a whole new life for yourself :)"


​She Loves Yoga

Beattie loves to practice yoga to keep herself in shape. She talked about this with Daisy's Corner. "I have been practicing yoga religiously for the past year and a half, before that I had done occasional classes but not to the same extent. For me, my passion for yoga came from my childhood career and training in classical ballet, for the first 18 years of my life I dreamt of being a ballerina and attend ballet boarding school in London from the age of just Thirteen! At Eighteen I made the hardest decision of my life and ended my ballet career as it was destroying my mental health and wellbeing. I would have to say it was was this that led me to my yoga journey, as yoga allowed me to still enjoy moving my body in graceful and strengthening ways, but did not put pressure on me and my physique to look or be a certain way."


​She's Consistent

Beattie talked about how she stays consistent with her workouts with Daisy's Corner. "It has been a bit more challenging to include yoga everyday whilst travelling but when I have the space and time I like to set up my yoga mat and do a flow. I have a travel yoga mat which folds up but still takes up a lot of space in my travel backpack, which I find motivates me to do yoga more often as I have to make lugging it around worth it!"

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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