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Noel Arevalo Flaunts Transformation in Two-Piece Workout Gear

Noel Arevalo flaunts her fitness transformation in workout gear and bathing suits.

Noel Arevalo is showing off her impressive transformation – in her two-piece workout gear. In a new social media post, the fitness influencer flaunts her amazing figure in an exercise set – and two bathing suits – as she discusses how changing her eating habits helped her get into the best shape ever. "Here's what happens when you DIAL in your NUTRITION 🔐I was 2 years into my fitness journey and let me tell you I was driven, consistent and hungry for results 😮💨But week after week of going into the gym and trying to eat 'clean' and 'being good; about my nutrition as I could I still wasn't seeing any progress 😵💫Anybody else feel me?" she writes in the Instagram caption. "Feeling like you're just spinning your wheels and getting NO WHERE FAST? 🥴I started feeling the lack of motivation setting in because the lack of results which lead me to not being consistent in the gym, which turned into a vicious cycle 😵💫It all started to come crashing in on me and overwhelming me – WHAT SHOULD I BE EAT? HOW MUCH SHOULD I BE EATING? AM I DOING ENOUGH CARDIO? I finally got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired of not knowing what to do and it was determined to figure out how to get the results I knew I deserved 😤I was determined to figure out the right strategy to getting sustainable results. And trust me I tell I'm you it was not a pretty path to figure it out but I FINALLY discovered the piece to the puzzle that I was missing 😭It was my damn NUTRITION and the whole time, nutrition is the foundation to achieving any RESULTS. Obtaining the "toned" look by building muscle, getting stronger in the gym, feeling more energized and especially when it comes to fat loss 👏🏼Because I've struggled now YOU DON'T HAVE TO." How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.


No Dieting​

Noel doesn't diet. "NO food restrictions over here," she writes in a post. ENJOYING the food you love AND getting amazing results is 1000% possible. I can't believe I used to think it was a FACT that I couldn't have pizza, sushi or any of the foods I love in order to get results, thanks to all the BS info on the internet." She explains that when she restricted herself she was "miserable" and ended up binging on the weekends. "That's when I knew something HAD to change. I had ZERO balance and it resulted in me being stuck in a cycle of binge eating," she confessed in a post.


She Snowboards​

Noel hits the slopes in the winter. "Most favorite time of year 🥹❤️🔥," she captioned a post of herself snowboarding, a great cardio workout, per the University of Rochester. "Because they are also weight-bearing exercises, they strengthen your bones as they tone your muscles," they say. "Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises also work to reduce your risk for chronic diseases, and lower blood pressure. They also help you maintain a healthy body weight. Through regular aerobic exercise like skiing and snowboarding, you lower your risk of developing conditions like diabetes and heart disease, having a stroke, and perhaps even getting cancer."


She Golfs​

Golfing is an active hobby Noel enjoys. "Golf the truest love and hate relationship that exists 😂⛳️ WHERE should I play next?" she captioned a post. The British Journal of Sports Medicine published a comprehensive review that found golf's health benefits to be extensive, including mind, body, and even lifespan. Benefits include improved longevity, decreased risk of developing heart disease or stroke, good mental health, and improved strength and balance.


​She Hikes

Noel gets outside for hikes. The National Parks Service explains that the physical benefits of hiking include:

  • Building stronger muscles and bones
  • Improving your sense of balance
  • Improving your heart health
  • Decreasing the risk of certain respiratory problems

​She Has Structure

Noel explains that "strategy and structure" are part of her approach. "You need the correct strategy and structure within your nutrition, training, and cardio regimen to support YOU and your goals. THIS is what you need to break through that plateau, and there's no other way around it," she says in a post.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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