Fox Sports Reporter Megan Olivi in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shares "Year in Review"

Jeff Bottari/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images
Megan Olivi is a professional reporter. She is known for her coverage of the MMA and The San Diego Padres. Olivi recently shared a carousel post of her favorite 2024 memories on Instagram. In them, she is seen spending time with her loved ones and her dog. Olivi captioned the post, "A few favorite 2024 moments .. too lazy to make a reel 😂 .. more posts to come."
​She Gained Experience In Her Field
Olivi talked about her career and what advice she gives to others in an interview with The Province. "I always tell people that I feel like experience is the biggest thing," she said. "When people are trying to decide what they want to do, I always tell everyone, 'Just go where you can intern and that way you know if you like it or not.' I would have went into the world of politics thinking this is what I want to do forever, probably hating my life and making nothing, but who has the time for that?"
​She Works Hard
Olivi makes sure to work hard. She talked about taking a job at and going all in on it to The Province. "I told my family – they were hysterical and then they were supportive – and I was just like, 'Okay, I'm going to do this' and I dove in headfirst. If I ever do something, I give it everything and so I was going to give it my everything and it became a real passion, both professionally and personally."
​She Doesn't Put Up With Mistreatment

Olivi encouraged people to not put up with mistreatment, even if it's at work in her Province interview. "As long as you're not showing up to work drunk or hungover or with a serious drug problem – if you love horror movies and that's not okay, that's not okay. It's like, 'Why do you care if I'm drinking or not? Why do you care what I'm doing on my free time? I'm not asking you what you were doing.' My free time consists of me doing yoga and hanging out with my dog, that's about it. If that bothers you, we have an issue. And if they tell you that you look ugly with a ponytail, tell them to go **** themselves because that's not okay."
She Wants To Make People Comfortable​
Olivi shared how she approaches interviews with The Province. "Because I work for the UFC, they know I'm not going to stir the pot with them," she explained. "I'm not going to bring up things that are going to catch them off guard; that's not my deal. My deal is we've got this incredible platform and everyone on our roster has got a story to tell, so let me give you a safe space so that people that see you in the Octagon know what you're like when it's been two months since your fight and you're just chilling with your family. That's really important to me."
​She Hikes

Megan Olivi/Instagram
Olivi is seen on a hike with friends in her Instagram post. Hiking has a lot of benefits. Piedmont states, "Hiking is a weight-bearing exercise that builds muscle mass and helps prevent osteoporosis. Hiking can help you manage your weight. It is a joint-friendly form of exercise that can keep arthritis sufferers more limber and mobile."