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Halo Star Natasha Culzac Shares Swimsuit Photo From Greece

Here are her lifestyle habits.

Natasha Culzac is heating up the Greek islands in her swimsuit. In a recent social media post the Halo star shows off her amazing body in a bathing suit while vacationing in Zante. "Lovely vibes," commented one of her followers. "Livin the life!" added another. How does the actress, 37, approach health and fitness? Celebwell rounded up her top lifestyle habits. 


She "Detested Exercise"


"So before I got Halo, I have to admit I was pretty unfit," Natasha confessed to Schon. " I used to regulate my size with food and all the guilt that brings, bla bla bla. I could barely run a bath, let alone a 5k. In fact, I would go so far as to say I truly detested exercise. Not only the gruelling, punishing act of it but also the culture around it. It all felt a bit 'holier than thou'."


She Joined a Gym in 2018

Natasha first dabbled in exercise when she got cast in The Witcher in 2018. "I decided to at least put 10% more effort into getting fit because I knew I had a fight sequence. But you join the gym, you don't really know what you're doing, the weight section is overwhelming, you think you're gonna be laughed out of the place. So when The Witcher filming ended, so did my minor interest in fitness," she said. 


When She Was Cast in Halo She Was Forced to "Throw" Herself Into Fitness

When she got the call in 2019 from Otto Bathurst, executive producer on Halo, and was offered the role of Riz, "he said it was going to be tough, really physically demanding, and [asked if] was ok with that," she said. "He wanted to know I could rise to it. Of course I was like, 'take my blood, I'm ready for anything.' And then I thought… 'fuck'. There was no excuse now — I had to throw myself into this world I'd shunned for so long," she added, saying that she was driven to "push" herself. "I immediately got a PT and started doing all sorts of classes. In the August before filming we were given a Spartan trainer who did a lot of Crossfit-esque stuff with us, and the training for the show then didn't stop until we wrapped in June 2021. In Budapest during filming, we were training 5-6 days a week, and during multiple lockdowns, trained virtually at home. All of this was not only to give us the physicality of supersoldiers but also, as actors, to actually be able to handle the 35kg, bulky costume. That's nearly half my own bodyweight."


She Runs

Natasha now does marathons. "Two days ago desperately suffering inside but always with spare room to piss about 🙄 If you told pre-Covid me that over the next 18 months I'd do 4 half marathons, I'd have clubbed ya with my burger and told ya to seek help. Slightly addicted to them now, WHO AM I," she captioned an Instagram post. 


She Hikes

Natasha also loves hiking. She recently shared a photo from one of her adventures. According to the National Parks Service, the physical benefits of hiking include:

  • "Building stronger muscles and bones
  • Improving your sense of balance
  • Improving your heart health
  • Decreasing the risk of certain respiratory problems"
Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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