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How Jane Fonda Keeps Her Body Looking Incredible in Her 80s

From going on walks to strength training, Fonda knows the importance of daily workouts.

Real talk: Jane Fonda looks incredible at 87 years old. It's no wonder, as the actress, producer, and fitness icon has inspired individuals all over the world. Her 1982 video, Jane Fonda's Workout, sold millions of copies; she also had her own aerobics studio in Beverly Hills.

Living life in her 80s has not stopped Fonda one bit, and we're here with the workout routine that keeps the Oscar-winning actress looking fit and fabulous in her 80s.

Jane Fonda Was a Pioneer in Home Workout Tapes

The fitness guru has always been ahead of her time. Fonda was one of the pioneers of home workout tapes donning her colorful leotards, tights, trendy belts, leg warmers, and head "sweatbands," and she really had "no idea" just how much fans would love her exercise content. It was all the rage, and everyone wanted to be fit like Fonda.

The actress told PEOPLE, "When I was starting out, there weren't many rigorous forms of exercise available to women. I learned the basic workout from a charismatic teacher named Leni Kasden."

The result? The celeb received letters from fans all over the globe sharing how impactful her workouts were.

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She Exercises Daily, Incorporating Walks and Strength Training Into Her Routine

Jane Fonda turned 87 in December and is still going strong with her fitness routine. She shares that her regimen has not varied much over the years.

"I essentially do everything I used to do, just slower," she told PEOPLE. "I used to be a runner, but now I love walking. I love being outdoors in the woods, especially up and down hills."

One key element to Fonda's healthy routine? She is disciplined, making exercise part of daily life.

"I work out every day, so it is important to mix up the way I move. I alternate days doing upper-body and lower-body work for strength. I also find some way to get cardio in. Walking outside is one of my favorite ways to do so," Fonda shared with PEOPLE.

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She Knows That Working Out as You Age Is an "Absolute Necessity"

The Grace and Frankie star stressed that working out as you age is not optional; it's essential.

"When you're younger, working out is a choice. When you're older, working out is an absolute necessity," the actress told Women's Health. "It makes all the difference in the world whether you'll be able to get in and out of a car, carry your own luggage, play with your grandkids, have a life. If you don't keep moving when you're over 50, you're going to lose your life."

Fonda totally embraces making life worth living; in order to do so independently, exercising is key.

"I don't credit exercise with longevity—I credit exercise with having a good life," Fonda shared with the outlet. "You can live long and be unable to move very well or remain independent. My independence and my ability to still have a good time, which is different from longevity, comes from exercising."

Jane Fonda is a true powerhouse. Not only does she still exercise every day, but she also recently released a four part "Supernatural series," covering cardio, boxing, strength, and stretching. The series includes: Flow with Jane Fonda, Box with Jane Fonda & Ludacris, Jane Fonda: Stretching, and Jane Fonda—Team Workout.

Alexa Mellardo
Alexa is a content strategist, editor, and writer based in Greenwich, Connecticut. She has 11+ years of experience creating content for travel, lifestyle, fitness, wellness, F&B, home, and celeb news publications. Read more
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