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Influencer Ana Zelu Shares Bikini Photos "Lost in the Beauty of Nature"

Here’s how she stays in shape.

Ana Zelu is a professional model and social media influencer. She is known for her content in nature. Zelu recently shared a post on Instagram of herself on a surfboard in the ocean. She captioned it, "Yesterday was such a fun shoot, I just had to share these with you 🤍 🛥️But picture number #4?? That photobomb totally got me 😂 Which picture is your favorite ?🌊"


She Swims​

As you can see from her post, Zelu likes to swim. The Mayo Clinic states that swimming has a lot of benefits. "Swimming is often touted as a great workout for all ages, offering benefits not only for the body, but also for the mind. As a form of exercise, swimming keeps your heart rate up and builds muscle strength. It also can be a great form of stress relief."


​She Doesn't Compare Herself to Others

Zelu shares a lot of her thoughts on Instagram. In this post, she talked about no longer comparing herself to others. "Dear Diary 💭📝, Today's contemplation led me to a profound understanding of the detrimental impact comparison has on our lives. It's like a silent intruder, subtly creeping into our thoughts and poisoning our perception of ourselves and others. It's a universal struggle, one that weighs heavily on the hearts of many. I've come to realize that comparison is the ultimate thief of joy. It robs us of our ability to appreciate our own journey and achievements, as we constantly measure ourselves against an idealized version of others. I've resolved to break free from its grasp. We should choose to celebrate our own unique path, recognizing that each step forward is a triumph in itself. Rather than fixating on external benchmarks set by others, I'm focusing on personal growth and development. Whether it's through learning new skills, cultivating gratitude, or simply practicing self-compassion, every effort counts."


​She Hikes

Zelu is seen on a hike in the previous Instagram post. Harvard Health states that hiking is very beneficial. "Like brisk walking, hiking is a good way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, particularly if your route includes some hills, which will force your heart to work harder. Taking a hike on the slightly uneven surface of a trail also provides a natural way to engage the core muscles in your torso and to hone your balance skills."


​She's Resilient

Resilience is another important thing to Zelu. She talked about this in the caption of this Instagram post. "Dear Diary 💭📝, I witnessed something truly remarkable that touched my heart deeply. It's amazing how people can go through the toughest storms in life and yet remain gentle, patient, and kind. I saw someone who faced challenges that would break most people, yet they chose to respond with grace and humility. Their ability to stay calm and compassionate in the face of adversity is nothing short of admirable. It made me realize the beauty of resilience – the strength to keep going even when life throws its hardest punches. These individuals not only endure the storms but also emerge from them with a spirit that shines brighter than before. Their example reminds me of the power of kindness and the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the darkest of times. It's a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, there is beauty to be found 💕🫶"


​She's Accepted Herself

Zelu talked about the importance of acceptance in this Instagram post's caption. "Dear Diary 💭📝, Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but amidst it all, I feel like I've taken a step closer to the right direction. Letting go of the past is like shedding a heavy coat I've been carrying for far too long. It's not easy to release the memories, the pain, the regrets, but today, I made a choice to loosen the grip they had on me. It's like taking a deep breath after being underwater for too long—refreshing and liberating. Forgiving myself has been a journey filled with tears and moments of self-doubt. But today, I finally understood that I deserve the same forgiveness and understanding I give to others. It's like giving myself a warm hug, wrapping myself in kindness and acceptance."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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