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Influencer Andrea Russett in Two-Piece Workout Gear Says "Hi I'm Andrea"

Andrea Russett is a powerhouse in the influencer world, boasting over six million Instagram followers who flock to her page for stunning photos and snapshots of her life. In April, she delighted her fans with a post featuring selfies and her adorable dog, captioned simply, "Hi, I'm Andrea." But how does she maintain her fit and healthy lifestyle? Discover five ways Andrea Russett stays in shape and see the photos that prove her methods work.


She Has A Dog

Russett has a dog, whom she prominently features on Instagram. Harvard Health states that owning a dog has health benefits. "Ongoing research is showing that the health benefits of owning a dog are undeniable. Dog owners have lower blood pressure and healthier cholesterol levels, and a lower risk of heart disease, than non-owners. There are also many psychological benefits to having a pooch around. Dog owners are less prone to bouts of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Simply petting your dog can make you feel less stressed."


She Paints

Russett likes to paint. She has an Instagram story highlight dedicated to painting. ACH Group says that making art has a lot of benefits. "Not only can art help reduce dementia and other chronic degenerative diseases, it can also help reduce anxiety and calm the mind. Researchers have investigated the impact of visual art on adult stress levels and found that levels of cortisol hormones reduced significantly after a 45-minute art-making session. Creative art intervention helps promote short-term well-being which reduces stress, anxiety and increases positive emotions."


She Makes Lists

Russett shares her ways for managing stress in an interview with DoSomething. She says that staying organized really helps. "I feel overwhelmed 90% of the time, but I deal with it by taking a step back, making a list, and just taking it one thing at a time," she said. "I make so many lists on everything like receipts, napkins, anything and everything has a list on it so I can keep track of what I need to do or what I've already done. My mom always told me, make a list. I get a high off organizing stuff. I love organizing."


She Loves Self-Care

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Russett tells DoSomething that self-care is another thing she does to manage stress.  "I think that I try to stay positive and have a positive outlook, by knowing that it's okay to have a bad day, and it's normal, and I shouldn't let that one bad day rule my whole month, and make it a bad month for self-care and personal mental health, I do a lot. I take a lot of baths and a lot of me time. I feel like if I take a bath, I have bubbles and everything. I can just sit there, relax, chill, watch my Netflix. That's my favorite way to relieve stress."


She Doesn't Pressure Herself

Russett also told Do Something that she doesn't pressure herself. "I think keeping up with everyone, you just kind of have to tell yourself that it's literally impossible to respond to everyone. I mean, I would not sleep if I did that, and I think a lot of people understand that too, and I think that my followers know that I try to get back to as many people as I can, but there's just some that I can't get to. So I think having an understanding following is what helps me out there."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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