Influencer Charly Jordan in Two-Piece Workout Gear is "Getting Back Into Running"

Influencer and model Charly Jordan, known for her presence on TikTok, recently revealed her latest fitness routine—turning to running to stay in shape. In two TikToks, Jordan shared her journey, captioning one, "Running into fashion week," and another, "Not knowing what's going on with your health can be super scary." Along with running, Jordan keeps fit with other activities like swimming, using battle ropes, and cooking healthy meals. Here's a closer look at her fitness and lifestyle habits.
She Runs
As we have learned from her recent TikToks, Jordan is running to keep herself in shape. FloTrack states that running has a lot of benefits. "Running and jogging is an aerobic exercise, and you're working out both your heart and lungs while doing so. This will also lead to a lower resting heart rate, lower bad cholesterol in your blood and lower blood pressure. You don't need to run an obscene amount of miles every day to get these benefits, either. Those who just run a couple of minutes a day decrease their risk of cardiovascular death by 58 percent. If you have a hard time running, you can still give your heart a workout by jogging or walking."
She Swims
Jordan likes to swim to stay in shape. She shared this video on TikTok of herself snorkeling with a shark nearby. She captioned it, "Look at this beautiful female Tiger Shark ✨ full video from this dive on my IG. It's shark week right now! And while there's a lot of positive media about sharks out there, there's also a lot of negative. Sensationalizing all the attacks and hyping up the aggressive side of sharks keeps that perception of sharks as the monsters of the ocean, when in reality, they are the heroes of the ocean. As keystone species, sharks regulate the health of the ecosystems below them. Without sharks, our ocean's ecosystems collapse. If you zoom out on the bigger picture, it's the fear that stops people from wanting to protect them. That hyped-up fear also stops people from going in the ocean and enjoying and learning more about how amazing it is. The ocean is our life source on this planet; 70% of all oxygen that we breathe comes from the ocean."
She Uses Battle Ropes
Jordan likes to use battle ropes to stay fit. She is seen using them in this TikTok. ACE Fitness states that battle ropes have a lot of benefits. "Battle ropes are versatile, in that they can be used for cardiorespiratory or muscle-strengthening exercise, typically in a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) format. A workout usually consists of alternating bouts of high-intensity exercise followed by either low-intensity exercise or complete rest. Intensity can be altered by changing rope length (they range from 10 to 100 feet), rope thickness (1 to 2 inches in diameter), wave velocity, amplitude, anchor position or the amount of muscle mass used."
She Loves Tomatoes
One thing Jordan likes to incorporate in her diet are tomatoes. She shared this video on TikTok of herself, her boyfriend, and her friends making grilled cheese and tomato soup. Jordan captioned it, "We assigned the boys the bread 🥖 turned out so good. Successful double date night!" The Cleveland Clinic states that tomatoes have a lot of benefits. "I think tomatoes are about the most versatile of all the fruits and vegetables," says registered dietitian Lara Whitson, RD, LD. "They're also loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients, so there are some real benefits to eating tomatoes."
She Cooks
Jordan loves to cook. She shares a lot of videos on her TikTok of herself cooking a meal. In this video, Jordan and her mom are seen making buffalo wings. She captioned it, "My mom and I cooked this together 🪽 easily the best wings I've ever had, super crispy!" Jordan also shared this video of herself making a chicken, rice, and vegetable dish. She captioned it, "Pt 1: Heavy Metal Detox Meals ✨ aka your dinner tonight."