Jennifer Lopez Stays Fit Using These Tricks

Jennifer Lopez is one of the most inspiring fitness role models in Hollywood. After several decades in the public eye, the curvaceous Latina continues to up her workout game, and it shows. "I'm in the best shape of my life," she recently admitted in a May 2021 cover story for InStyle's The Beauty Issue. However, the 51-year-old doesn't cut any corners when it comes to her diet and workout regiment. While Lopez is clearly an anomaly, we can all benefit from her wealth of wellness knowledge. Read on for Jennifer Lopez's best fitness tips, and to see the photos that prove they work.
Diet Plus Workout Is Her Fitness Equation

Jennifer Lopez is pretty honest when it comes to the secret to staying in shape—and it comes down to the equation of what you put into your body and how you burn calories. "You got to work out, you got to watch what you eat," she told Us Weekly. "It's a job—you've got to buckle down."
Workout Harder, Not Longer

Lopez revealed to InStyle that efficiency in her workouts has become more important as she has aged. "In my 20s and 30s I used to work out but not like I do now," she revealed. "It's not that I work out more; I just work out harder and smarter. And it doesn't take me as long as it did in the past. I do it more for my health than I do for looks, which is funny. When you do things for the right reasons, you actually look better!"
Resist Taking a Rest Day

Working out is a daily job for Jennifer Lopez. "Very rarely will I skip my workout," she told Us Weekly. "Sometimes, I work too late the night before, and I'm like, 'Ugh, I can't do this.' But I tell myself, 'Just do it. It's only an hour.' It's just talking yourself off the ledge of being a lazy bum."
Use Your Loved Ones As Inspiration

Jennifer's motivation to stay in shape is more selfless than selfish. "I really believe that when you take care of yourself and work to stay healthy, you're better able to take care of those you love. So working out is definitely a priority for me," she told Hello.
Find WorkoutsThat Bring You Joy

Jennifer is a strong believer in finding workouts that make you happy. "I am 100 percent convinced that working out is part of what makes me so happy. Dance has always been a huge part of my life and taking the time to move my body and do something that's so good for me is key to my happiness. When my confidence is lagging, I dance. There's something about seeing what my body is capable of and feeling the endorphin rush that comes with a good dance session that really helps boost my confidence and my mood. I still consider myself a dancer at heart and I love it," she told Hello.