Kristin Davis in Workout Gear on Trampoline Says "Does This Count As a Work Out?"

Sex and the City star Kristin Davis is celebrating the spring sunshine by getting outside and bouncing around in the fresh air. Davis, 59, shared a very cute video of herself jumping up and down on the trampoline in her yard, with the text "me when the sun finally comes back out" over it. "Does this count as a work out?" she captioned the post (yes, it certainly does!). "Good workout!' a fan commented. Davis has been playing Charlotte York for over 25 years—here's what her wellness routine looks like.
Almost Yoga Instructor

Davis is a trained yoga instructor, and almost gave up acting to teach at a studio. "I got my certificate at the original YogaWorks in Santa Monica before it was on every street corner in every city in the US," she told Haute Living. "I remember telling my mom that I had a timeline, that I needed something more fulfilling. I had a lightbulb moment about it, and so I said, 'If I don't get something substantial by this date, maybe I need to be a full-time yoga teacher.' And then I got Melrose Place."
Good Days, Bad Days

Davis is philosophical about not getting the perfect photograph when she's working. "Personally, I have bad days; I have days where I literally want to put my face in a bowl of ice like Joan Crawford," she told New Beauty. "If we are on location, we are photographed from the time we get to work, all-day long, for 14 hours straight. And it is a bizarre thing, because that's not my actual job and no one on the planet is going to look good for that long. You can't sit still in the good light for 14 hours for the paparazzi!"
Balancing Work and Family

Davis would travel from Los Angeles to New York every weekend to shoot And Just Like That... "It's such a luxury to not only be able to work, but to work with my friends of 25 years — but seven months is a long time to shoot, and a long time to be trying to go back and forth every weekend to see my kids," she told Haute Living. "My plan was to maybe bring them out or, you know, skip a weekend here and there, but my 5-year-old was not having it. So, I had to come back every weekend because I just felt so guilty. But this is what happens with trying to find a work-life balance."
Loving Her Body

Davis has learned to embrace her physique after being subjected to horrible bullying in the past. "All of the body shaming I've been subjected to for the past 25 years, pretty much until recently, [is the only bad thing about playing Charlotte]," she told Haute Living. "[Those magazines] would [write things] like 'Kristin's hips are bigger than her shoulders,' and I'm like, But they're not! And then I'm like, Well, who cares? What if they are? But I mean, it's just ongoing… I don't think Cynthia [Nixon] would agree with me — she has a stronger, tougher mentality about it all — but for me, it is really hard to hear things like that, and then be told, 'Oh, everyone should love their bodies.' When you've had decades of this coming at you, it's really hard to just be like, Yes, I'm great, I'm good. I love my body."
Walking and Trampoline

Davis takes walks with her children and swears by good sleep for self-care. "Sometimes we take a walk around the neighborhood in our masks, but that's an awesome day if that happens, exercise-wise," she told SELF. "And then occasionally I jump on the trampoline with them, which is just a really fun thing to do." Trampoline workouts offer many benefits, experts say. "When you jump, you use the entire momentum of your body, which forces all of your different muscles to work simultaneously," exercise coordinator Lori Lyons, MBA, AFAA, CWA, tells the Cleveland Clinic.