Kyra Sedgwick In Aviator Nation Workout Gear Says "Embrace the Groutfit"

Kyra Sedgwick is embracing gray skies—and gray workout gear (albeit with very colorful detailing). Sedgwick, 58, shared a picture of herself wearing a gray Aviator Nation sweatshirt and matching pants, looking fresh faced without any makeup on. "Some days you just have to embrace the groutfit. NOTE: Groutfit refers to an all gray outfit, usually sweatpants," she captioned the post. Sedgwick has been working for decades, and shows no signs of slowing down—here's how she does it.
Outdoor Workouts
Sedgwick is happiest when she's outside getting fresh air with her exercise. "I like to exercise, and I love to exercise in nature," she told New Beauty. "I don't really run, but I love to hike when I'm in Los Angeles and I like to walk around when I'm in New York, especially in the parks. We're so lucky to have the parks! I need to see some green to ground me."
At Home Workouts

Sedgwick does spin classes and yoga at home. "I've had a Peloton for a couple years now," she told USA Today. "I'm grateful for it. And I can get on my yoga mat and do a Pilates class. I have a magic ring and a few other things. I need exercise for my brain, I always have."
Meditation Practice

Sedgwick tries to meditate every day. "I meditate very imperfectly—not every day, but most days," she told New Beauty. "I know that I need to stay mindful, which is a practice in itself… You are definitely a reflection of yourself. We get what we put out. I try to put out good things; I try to put out good vibes. And when I get into despair about what's happening in the world, I do some mindfulness techniques to get me out of that."
Kevin the Chef
Sedgwick loves cooking at home for her family. "Kevin [Bacon, husband] and I cook, we cook for each other, he's like a chef, a really good chef," she told Byrdie. "I'm like a follow the recipe and hope for the best and get very anxious person. But I think we've all been forced to, if I want to eat healthy or whatever—or even if I just want to eat!—I've been cooking a lot more and having to clean up and all the things."
Secret To Longevity
Sedgwick is proud to still be working. "You need to have a certain amount of 'chutzpah' in this industry," she told New Beauty. "You need to have a really thick skin to be in it this long. I think the secret to longevity is longevity. I guess, in a way, the only thing I would've told myself earlier is to not worry about things so much…because it's all going to be fine. But, really, what always kept me going, the thing that I somehow always knew—even when I was incredibly young—was that this was it for me. I really wanted to do this acting thing, and I wasn't going to stop until I was able to do it."