1. Tennis and Yoga
Spencer loves to stay active instead of obsessing over gym sessions. "I have always been an athlete and I think the best way to get a workout is to do a sport," she says. "The sport for me right now is tennis. I love it. Tennis, yoga and stretching really works for me. Here and there, if I've been naughty, I'll jump on the elliptical but I really don't go crazy. Life is too short. I make sure that I eat right and I love playing tennis as you can be with friends and be outside. Just do what makes you happy."
2. Lots of Vegetables
Spencer enjoys a balanced diet with plenty of green vegetables. “I eat what I want, in moderation,” she says. “I gravitate toward fresh veggies and clean foods, thankfully, but I am also a sucker for a cupcake every once in a while. I make sure to eat lots of kale, broccoli, blueberries, strawberries and spinach. We do enough stories on superfoods on GMA. I know what I should be eating, and I really try to stick with that.”
3. Swimming and Yoga
Spencer used to be a champion diver and still loves to swim. “I enjoy swimming laps—it's a great workout and also allows me to get into a meditative state so it's very relaxing,” she says. “I love the quiet and the rhythm of swimming. I do it quite a bit in the summer, but not very much in the winter. I turn to yoga, preferably in a warm room, during the cold months. I do yoga year round but find myself craving it more in the fall and winter. I am really into paddle boarding at the moment, too. It's an incredible workout for the arms and core, and a great way to get out on the water.”
4. Walking Her Dogs
Spencer walks her dogs at least twice a day, which is especially beneficial as we go into the fall and winter months. “Walking can help protect you during cold and flu season,” say the experts at Harvard Health. “A study of over 1,000 men and women found that those who walked at least 20 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, had 43% fewer sick days than those who exercised once a week or less. And if they did get sick, it was for a shorter duration, and their symptoms were milder.”
5. Eternal Optimist
Lara Spencer/Instagram
Spencer has a sunny outlook on life. “I am a very happy, optimistic person. It is just who I am and always have been,” she says. “I think that comes from being part of a family that was big on praise for a job well done. My mom and dad always made the most of each day, and taught us (my siblings and me) to do the same. I am a big proponent of always looking at the glass half full, rather than half empty. I think that outlook on life has kept me healthy and happy, both mentally and physically.”