9 Lucifer Cast Members with Incredible Physiques

Is it getting hot in here or have we just been looking too long at photos of one handsome devil? Tom Ellis and the stars of Lucifer have entertained us for six seasons, and we're not alone, after the show's popularity surged on Netflix. How do they stay so fit? Read on for their get-well, stay-well secrets.
Tom Ellis

Tom Ellis played the title character on the show. He likes to weight train to stay in shape. Ellis shared this video on Instagram of himself doing overhead cable pull-downs at the gym. He captioned the post, "Nothing says 'Saturday' more than the old kneeling-over-head-narrow-grip-cable-pull down. According to @paolomascitti anyway."
Kevin Alejandro

Kevin Alejandro played Dan Espinoza on the show. He talked about his workout routine to Men's Journal. "I bought this thing called 'The Rack,' and I basically set up a little gym in my trailer," Alejandro says. "It's an all-in-one thing, so I use it as a dip bar, for pushups, curls—everything. I have dumbbells in there and a stability ball, so I can do any type of workout when I have time. I usually will do a full-body workout of some kind, a solid 30 minutes with no rest, that really gets things going. I'll do it during lunch, and that will satisfy my mind and my body for that day—knowing I was able to get something in."
DB Woodside

DB Woodside played Amenadiel Canaan. He talked about finding acting in college with the University of Albany magazine. "What I loved about theater was that I loved everyone there. These were people who may have felt like an outsider in every other part of their lives – so many cultures, so many ways to live your life – but here they had a home. It became like a second family to me."
Lesley-Ann Brandt

Lesley-Ann Brandt played Mazikeen Smith on the show. She tells Shape Magazine that she is plant-based and likes to try new things. "I'll be honest, I do love an Impossible Burger, but I honestly just fell in love with trying different cuisines, new recipes, and finding new ways to fuel my body and keep me energized."
Tricia Helfer

Tricia Helfer played Goddess on the show. She shared her favorite workouts with SELF Magazine. "If I could only do one workout, I'd run or hike (I'm a heavy-duty hiker) with some calisthenics as well — you have to tone up, too. But there always has to be some cardio involved. You gotta get your heart rate going. [To keep things fresh] I mix up my workouts: One day [I'll do] yoga, one day's running and weights, one day I'm doing Pilates, one day's hiking."
Tom Welling

Tom Welling played Cain on the show's third season. He also played Clark Kent on Smallville, and talked about the impact the role had to Nerds & Beyond. "This is a horrible answer, but I don't miss him. It's not something I would lose sleep over, wanting to go back and do it again. In fact, to be completely egotistical, when I watch it, I'm like, 'I did a pretty good job for having zero experience.' And I mean that with respect. I don't mean that I didn't like it — I actually enjoy watching it now. I don't think I could have watched it 10 years ago and enjoyed it. But I'm older, I have kids now … my little boys have seen me on TV. I wouldn't have had that 10 years ago, so I'm really enjoying it now."
Aimee Garcia

Aimee Garcia played Ella Lopez on the show. She told Glamour that she wants to represent the Latina community with her roles. "I feel a big responsibility to represent what it means to be a Latina to a global audience. I'll never forget when a group of young girls [Latinas] came up to me and said, 'Oh my God, we love Veronica on the George Lopez show! She's so funny and stylish, and we love that she's a Latina millionaire.' And I thought, Wow, the roles that I pick aren't just to pay rent but they're also to represent my community. It's bigger than me.
Rachael Harris

Rachael Harris played Dr. Linda Martin on the show. She works with trainer Paolo Mascitti to help her stay in shape. "She told me she wanted to train like the boys," Mascitti said to Shape. "Her goals weren't aesthetic-based. She just wanted to feel strong…We usually focus on a certain muscle group. One day we might do the chest, back and shoulders and another day we might focus on the glutes, quads and hamstrings."
Lindsey Gort

Lindsey Gort played Candy Fletcher on the show. She talked about finding self-confidence to Marie Claire. "It took a while for me to figure out that everyone has imperfections and nothing is worse than someone that constantly points out what they hate about themselves. Loving yourself overshadows any lumps and bumps you think you have."