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Golfer Mel Reid in Two-Piece Workout Gear is "Ready for Action"

How does she balance it all? Dive into her lifestyle habits and workout routine to find out.

Mel Reid is playing golf – in her two-piece workout gear. In a new social media post the athlete shows off her amazing body in an exercise set while on the course. "Our ambassadors Mel Reid and Cameron Champ are ready for the action this weekend at the second annual @grantthorntoninv. Don't miss the two players and their two tours come together for the most equal event in the game," the Instagram post shared by Grant Thornton is captioned. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.


Mental Health​


"Honestly, mental health is huge," Mel told Golf. "It's huge in all walks of life and I feel that athletes sometimes get a bad rap for speaking about it because we are seen as 'superhuman.' And I think there are some people out there who don't know what we go through to be one of the best at what we do. I think social media has a lot to answer for also. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Instagram and I really think there are some huge benefits from it, but I can certainly tell if I'm on it too much. I need to keep an eye on that," she said. "Everyone should work on their mental health, though. It's the foundation to everything. I'm really proud of the likes of Simone who is using her platform to speak about these issues that so many people can relate to. She has 100% of my support and I've been there and so I get it. And a side note: I'm also incredibly proud of the likes of Matt Wolf, too. It's not an easy thing to do as people see it as a weakness. However I think the opposite: it's strength beyond measure!!"



When she isn't golfing, you might find Mel on the mountains. "So I grew up basically playing every sport I could … skiing, tennis, hockey … but my main loves were snowboarding and football and still are when I'm not smacking a white ball around a field," she told Golf. According to the University of Rochester, snowboarding, like skiing, is a great cardiovascular workout. "Because they are also weight-bearing exercises, they strengthen your bones as they tone your muscles," they say. "Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises also work to reduce your risk for chronic diseases, and lower blood pressure. They also help you maintain a healthy body weight. Through regular aerobic exercise like skiing and snowboarding, you lower your risk of developing conditions like diabetes and heart disease, having a stroke, and perhaps even getting cancer."


​Running and Cycling

Mel uses cardio, "a 20-minute run or bike," to deal with jet lag, she told Golf. The Cleveland Clinic explains that biking, a low-impact aerobic exercise, is great for building muscle, improving strength and flexibility, and improving balance. It can also boost mental health and help other health conditions, including arthritis.


​Surfing And Paddle Boarding


Mel moved to Jacksonville, Florida and started getting into water sports."The beauty of living in Jacksonville is paddle boarding or my new hobby of surfing. Surf wasn't the best this week, though," she said in the interview. According to the Australian government's Better Health, surfing provides many health benefits including cardiovascular fitness from paddling, shoulder and back strength, which also strengthens from the paddling, and leg and core strength. "Once you're standing up on the board, strong legs and a strong core will keep you up," they say.


​Here Is Her Workout

Mel revealed her workout to Golf, a density workout with side lunges, seated stretches, and basic calisthenics.

Medicine Ball Discus Throws x 10

Goblet / Kettle Bell squat x 10

One-leg Push-ups x 5 each leg

Lunge Resistance Rotations x 5 each side

Plank Rotations x 5 each side

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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