Miss Ukraine Margarita Pasha in Two-Piece Workout Gear is "Preparing for Summer"

Margarita Pasha is getting her sweat on in her workout clothes. In a new social media post the Ukrainian beauty queen flaunts her incredibly fit figure during an intense workout session. "Getting ready for the summer 💪🏻" she captioned the post, eliciting a lot of fire emojis from her followers. How does Miss Ukraine approach diet, fitness, and self care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.
Margarita enjoys snorkeling.
Margarita is also a yogi. She recently went on an "ocean retreat" where she showed off her yog moves. There is a laundry list of reasons to do yoga, explains Harvard Health. "Researchers found that people who practiced yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week for at least four years, gained less weight during middle adulthood," they said. "People who were overweight actually lost weight. Overall, those who practiced yoga had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) compared with those who did not practice yoga. Researchers attributed this to mindfulness. Mindful eating can lead to a more positive relationship with food and eating."
Strength and Weight Training
Margarita trains herself. "I do not have a permanent trainer who forces me to train 😅✊🏻🤣, I do not need to motivate and force me to do another approach and so on. d ✊🏻😅 I am my own coach and sculptor of my body! I don't even go to sports nowadays. gym 😅, since I am constantly distracted from my favorite workout 😅, I train alone, at home or outdoors ✊🏻 and the result is much better," she revealed in a post. She relies on old school weight and strength training.
When she's not in the gym, you can find Margartia golfing. "Golf is a very beautiful sport," she captained a post. A comprehensive review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that golf's health benefits are extensive, including mind, body, and even lifespan. Benefits include improved longevity, decreased risk of developing heart disease or suffering a stroke, good mental health, and improved strength and balance.
Squats and Abs
Margarita sticks to abs and lower body work. "Among the exercises I do, it's mostly leg pumping and sometimes abs," she reveals in her recent workout video. "An effective way to achieve goals both in sports and in life is to develop self-discipline," she adds. "Discipline is the engine of a person's productive activity, aimed at achieving the set goals. Making it a habit, a person becomes responsible, hardworking and ambitious."