Mrunal Thakur is pumping iron in her workout gear. In a new social media post the Indian actress shows off her fit figure and impressive strength during a weight lifting session. She added the hashtags #TuesdayWorkoutsDoneRight and #WorkoutLifeBalance. “You're so cute,” commented one of her followers. “Superb,” added another. How does the 31-year-old approach diet and fitness? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.
1. Clean Eating
Mrunal discussed her diet and workout with ETimes. “The problem with me is that when I'm not on a diet and when I'm not following a particular diet, I'm not working out. That's the problem. And when I'm working out, was following my diet,” she said. “When you are working out, you need to follow a diet. Also, when you are not working out, you still need to follow the diet.” Bottom line? “So eat clean,” she says.
2. Exercise
Mrunal does “smart” workouts. “My fitness routine is because I get bored with similar workouts. I try different, different workouts,” she says. “And I have two days dedicated to each workout form.” She also does two-a-days sometimes. “There are days where, because I love eating so much, I love food. Food.” So, she does one workout in the morning “and one workout in the evening.”
3. Pilates
Mrunal is also into Pilates. Why is pilates a good workout? According to the Mayo Clinic there are lots of benefits to the workout, as it “strengthens the body's inner core while increasing its flexibility resulting in improved overall health.” It can also promote longer, leaner muscles, injury prevention, relief from stress and back pain, enhanced athletic performance, and heightened mind-body awareness.
4. Strength Training
“I do strength training,” Mrunal added. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength and weight training help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:
- Develop strong bones
- Manage your weight
- Enhance your quality of life
- Manage chronic conditions
- Sharpen your thinking skills
5. Running and Walking
“There are days where I also go for a run. I go for walks,” she added. Going for a daily walk can be a game changer in terms of exercise, especially at a brisk speed. One study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that walking at a brisk pace for about 30 minutes a day led to a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia and death, compared with walking a similar number of steps but at a slower pace.
6. Hiking
Mrunal hikes. “I do treks. I just recently did a forest trek and it's so beautiful to just breathe in the nature because it also allows you to clear your thoughts,” she said. According to the National Parks Service, the physical benefits of hiking include:
- Building stronger muscles and bones
- Improving your sense of balance
- Improving your heart health
- Decreasing the risk of certain respiratory problems
7. Swimming
Swimming is also on her exercise roster. “I think it's the best way of calming yourself down and it just relaxes your body,” she said. Swimming is a good way to get regular aerobic physical activity, according to the CDC. Just two and a half hours per week of aerobic physical activity, such as swimming, bicycling, or running, can decrease the risk of chronic illnesses. In addition to the many physical benefits, there are multiple studies supporting the mental health benefits of swimming as well.