Bodybuilder Betty Pariso in Two-Piece Workout Gear Has the "Need for Speed"

Betty Pariso, a renowned fitness expert and bodybuilder, has cultivated a dedicated Instagram following by sharing her approach to health, fitness, and life balance. Recently, she posted a fun video of herself fueling up her unique motorcycle and heading off for a scenic ride, showcasing her adventurous spirit. Beyond the gym, Betty emphasizes the importance of quality time, balance, and unwinding on vacations, where she prefers enjoying sunrises over rigorous workouts. Her feed often features dynamic workouts, from weightlifting to swimming, and even special mother-daughter training sessions with her business partner and daughter. Pariso's balanced philosophy demonstrates that even high-level fitness athletes can prioritize both physical discipline and the joy of life's everyday moments.
She Takes Breaks
Pariso works out on a consistent basis. However, she doesn't like to work super hard when she's on vacation. Pariso revealed in this Instagram post that she only does a couple of push-ups on vacation. She captioned the post, "If I waste 1 hour in the gym on vacation, I am missing the moment. I do not live for the gym, the gym allows me to live for the moments. But I could get up and train early…nope, I would rather get up, walk the beach and watch the beautiful sunrise. I never train on a vacation that is 5 days or shorter. I need the break from little injuries that can turn into something bigger and sideline my training. But more importantly, I am here to get away from training, enjoy my surroundings, and enjoy the food. I want my vacations to be completely different from my disciplined, structured life."
She Works Out With Her Daughter
Pariso owns her company with her daughter, and the two like to train together. She shared this video on Instagramof the two of them doing so. Pariso captioned it, "Thank you @lacyecarmichael. We occasionally get to train together, but how many Moms get to own a company with their daughter and design it together from the ground up. She killed it for 5 weeks. This is her work, and I am so proud 👉 @wbbfederation ❤️❤️❤️"
She Lifts Weights
Pariso likes to lift weights to stay in shape. She shares a lot of workout videos on Instagram of herself doing so. In this video, Pariso is seen doing shoulder lifts with hand dumbbells and pulling a rope. She captioned the video, "Today was one of those days I did 50 minutes of almost non-stop training using supersets on everything."
She Does Pulldowns
Pariso likes to do lateral pulldowns to stay in shape. She is seen doing them in this Instagram video. Piedmont states that this exercise has a lot of benefits. "The lat pulldown is a fantastic exercise for strengthening the latissimus dorsi muscle, the broadest muscle in your back. This muscle promotes good posture and spinal stability. Form is crucial when performing a lat pulldown to prevent injury and reap the best results."
She Swims
Pariso likes to swim to stay in shape. She shared this video on Instagram of herself floating in a pool. Better Health states that swimming has a lot of benefits. "Swimming is a great workout because you need to move your whole body against the resistance of the water. Swimming is a good all-round activity because it: keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body, builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, helps you maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs, tones muscles and builds strength, provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles are used during swimming."