Bodybuilder Cass Martin in Two-Piece Workout Gear is "Insanely Gorgeous and So Sculpted"

Cass Martin, a successful bodybuilder known for her stunning physique and inspiring content, regularly shares her fitness journey on Instagram. Recently, she posted a series of photos posing in purple workout clothes, captioning the post, "Last slide, what's the first word you see?" Her followers flooded the comments with admiration, with one noting that she is "insanely gorgeous and so sculpted." Martin's dedication to her craft is evident in every post, and her commitment to maintaining peak physical condition is truly inspiring. Here's a closer look at some of her favorite workouts and healthy habits that help her stay in top shape.
She Works Her Core
Martin has an amazing core, and she makes sure to do a lot of exercises to maintain it. She shared these videos on Instagram of herself doing some of her favorites. In them, Martin is seen doing things like, tucks with a weight, superman holds, and seated pike leg lifts. The Mayo Clinic states that core workouts are extremely important. "Your core is the central part of your body. It includes your pelvis, lower back, hips and stomach. The stomach muscles sometimes are called abs. Core exercises train the muscles in your core to work in harmony. This leads to better balance and steadiness, also called stability. Stability is important whether you're on the playing field or doing regular activities. In fact, most sports and other physical activities depend on stable core muscles."
She Makes Green Juice
Martin likes to drink green juice. She shared one of her favorite recipes in this Instagram post. "This is one of my most favorite green drinks to make in my @huromamerica juicer! ♥︎ I drink a huge glass of this almost every single morning! It's called The Lemon Ginger Blast! It's a very powerful drink filled with so many enzymes & minerals! Not only does it detox your body from the inside out, it also is great for: • Enhancing circulation. • Stimulating your digestive system. • Strengthens your immune system. • Clears out mucous & is anti-parasitic. • Antifungal, antibacterial, & super Antioxidant. • So many more benefits!"
She Does Pull Ups
In this Instagram video, Martin is seen doing pull ups. Gymless states that the exercise has a lot of benefits. "Pull-ups are one of the most fundamental calisthenics exercises that build up your strength and endurance in the upper body. It is commonly used as a form of physical test from schools all the way up to the military. Many athletes from all sports backgrounds use pull-ups in their training, which makes this one of the best exercises for building the upper body and developing a bigger and stronger back."
She Does Lunges
Martin doesn't skip leg day. She shared some of her favorite workouts in this Instagram video. In it, Martin is seen doing lunges with a weight. ACE Fitness reports that lunges have a lot of benefits. "Lunges work the biggest muscles in your lower body — mainly the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, and the adductor magnus (the muscle in your inner thigh). Other muscles that come into play are the hamstrings, gluteus medius, calves, and core stabilizers, says Susane Pata, content strategist for the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and NASM-certified personal trainer based in Miami."
She Strength Trains
Martin likes to strength train to stay in shape. In this Instagram video, she is seen doing things like incline dumbbell presses, cable tricep pushdowns, and using the chest press machine. The Mayo Clinic reports that strength training can be very effective. "Strength training can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories."