Bodybuilder Hunter Henderson in Two-Piece Workout Gear Says "Keep Going"

Hunter Hendersson is updating her fans on her bodybuilding journey – in her two-piece workout gear. In a new4 social media post the athlete shows off her strong body during an exercise session at the gym. "Kicked off week 2 with the @rpstrength app last night," she writes. "I'm really liking my program/diet right now and having a lot of fun with it. I don't know that I've ever been this happy🥹 I had a nice waddle to me after this one. Fun fact: I originally learned to squat on a smith machine at planet fitness. Had no idea what I was doing back then. My first time under a barbell was horrific😂 Always makes me smile when I get to use a smith. We all start somewhere. Wherever you are on your journey, KEEP GOING." How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.
Intense Training
Hunter follows an intense training schedule. "I train five days a week, including a squat day with extra bench and a deadlift day with bench. On the other three days, I don't touch a barbell. Those are accessory or bodybuilding days with machines and super fun workouts," she told Bar Bend. "We also have what we call a "creatine" day with active recovery movements like box jumps, medicine ball slams; explosive and athletic-type movements."
Walking on Incline

Cardio is also key, she revealed in another interview with Bar Bend. "I think it is so important for cardiovascular health. Just like recovery in general, if you are sitting on the couch and not moving your body, not stretching those muscles, you're going to get tight, and you're going to eventually get injured," she said. "I utilize those three days that I'm not lifting weights, I utilize that time to go walk. Honestly, I just do incline walking for about 25 to 30 minutes, and that's it. I'm done." She adds that she "solely" does it for a recovery purpose. "I don't do this for a fat loss or at least that's not my emphasis. I'm not doing this for like a fat loss thing. It's just solely for recovery and keeping the body moving, keeping myself healthy. That's all."
Healthy Diet
One of the biggest misconceptions about bodybuilders? "I'd say that you can eat whatever you want and perform great. A lot of people have crap diets and they don't put an emphasis on health. Health should be your number one priority. If you don't have health then you can't have that 600-pound deadlift. You can't have this world record squat," she says. "People just come into this with this idea that they're going to be this huge monster. Super strong. They forget to check their blood pressure. They forget to get their labs drawn. People just have this misconception that it's all performance. They kind of just leave their bodies behind, I guess. People don't put enough emphasis on health. They don't put enough emphasis on the diet, and they pay for it."
Hunter prioritizes hydration, drinking water enhanced with electrolytes. "I have utilized LMNT for awhile now to combat the effects of dehydration. I am not sponsored by this company I just genuinely love their product and I want you guys to have a chance to try it out! 0 sugars, only 1 carb, and all the sodium, magnesium, and potassium our bodies need to perform at our best," she wrote i a post.
Be Patient
What is Hunter's advice to aspiring bodybuilders? "Enjoy the process and take your time. You have to understand the long game. It won't happen overnight. The most important part is to have fun. Enjoy the training sessions, too. If you're not having fun with this, what's the point?" she told Bar Bend.