Bodybuilder Uta Kohler-Spitzbart In Two-Piece Workout Gear Shares "Formcheck"

IFBB Pro and bodybuilder Uta Kohler-Spitzbart continues to inspire her fans by showcasing her dedication and hard work on Instagram. With her sights set on the Wings of Strength Romania Muscle Fest, Uta shared a recent update just two days before the competition. "Formcheck 2 days out #romaniamusclefest #wbb #ifbbproleaguewbb #ifbbproleaguegermany #wingsofstrengthromaniamusclefestpro #jensspitzbartCoach #competition #coaching #posing #ju2fitnesstreffzeulenroda #JU2FitnesstreffJena #ju2_athletik_gym #teamspitzbart," she wrote, highlighting her rigorous preparation and commitment. From aerial yoga to strength training, she follows a varied and disciplined fitness routine. Here's how she stays in such incredible shape.
She does aerial yoga
She does yoga. "Aerial Yoga 🦋 #personaltraining #yoga #aerialyoga #relax #hang out #headfree #backtraining #weightless #let go #freedom #ju2fitnesstreffzeulenroda #JU2FitnesstreffJena # #ju2_athletik_gym #zeulenroda #Jena #coaching #teamspitzbart," she said on Instagram, translated to english.
She works to regain strength
On Instagram, she said "7 weeks after the operation at 60° flexion – it's getting slow 😉 I'm now officially starting to build up and increase the amount of training. I can already train my upper body harder again 💪 #bodybuilding #womanwithmuscles #womensphysique #womensphysiqueifbbpro #ifbbproleaguewpd #training #reha #refit #wollen #machen #tun #ju2fitnesstreffzeulenroda #JU2FitnesstreffJena #ju2_athletik_gym #jena #zeulenroda #jensspitzbart – Coach is panting because he's doing front squats 🤣," translated to english. She focuses on progress and takes things one step at a time. According to the Mayo Clinic, "with a regular strength training program, you can lower your body fat, increase bone strength, increase your lean muscle mass and burn calories more easily."
She strength trains
As a bodybuilder, strength training is a big part of her routine. "I have to do it again 😉💪 #bodybuilding #womensphysique #womensphysiqueifbbpro #womanwithmuscles #npcworldwidegermany #ifbbproleaguegermany #pro #coaching #competition #jensspitzbart – Coach #allstarssportsnutrition #ju2_athletik_gym #bestgym #jena #JU2FitnesstreffJena #ju2fitnesstreffzeulenroda #zeulenroda," she said on Instagram, translated to english, on a pair of videos of her working out, weightlifting.
She works on her shoulders
She strengthens her shoulders. "Shoulder training from Saturday 💪 #bodybuilding #womensphysique #womanwithmuscles #npc #pro #competition #prep #ju2fitnesstreffzeulenroda #JU2FitnesstreffJena #ju2_athletik_gym #jena #zeulenrroda #jensspitzbart – Coach #allstarssportsnutrition #gym80 #purekraft," she said on Instagram, translated to english.
She stays focused
She focuses on training and reaching her goals, even when she's overwhelmed. "Last training before #emproshowspain #emproclassic2023 in Alicante/Spain on Sunday, June 18th, 2023 💪 the atmosphere here is overwhelming and motivating at the same time when so many pros, athletes and coaches come together 👍 #bodybuilding #npc #ifbbproleaguewpd #ifbbproleaguegermany #womensphysique #womanwithmuscles #allstarssportsnutrition #jensspitzbart – Coach #JU2FitnesstreffJena #ju2fitnesstreffzeulenroda #ju2_athletik_gym #alicante #spain," she said on Instagram, translated to english.