CrossFit Athlete Ellie Turner in Two-Piece Workout Gear is "Workin Out, Having Fun"

Ellie Turner is getting her sweat on in her workout gear. In a new social media post the CrossFit athlete shows off her strong body during and intense workout session at the gym, wearing a purple crop top and black leggings. "Workin out, having fun," she captioned the Instagram video adding the hashtags #crossfit #crossfitgames #rehab #nutrition #lunges #bench #bike #crossfitgirls #strength #strengthtraining #conditioning. "Beautiful Queen," one of her followers commented. "Gettin it💪🏼🕺🏻," added another. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.
Recovery is a key part of training, per Ellie. "For me, recovery is just as important as training but it doesn't have to be over complicated. Being a crossfitter, you always want all the new and latest gadgets, but recovery can be as simple as doing what makes you happy and refills your cup. Ocean dips, cuddling your dog, sauna, journaling etc. This can also change from week to week, sometimes I want to be with friends in the outdoors and other times I just want to stay in bed. Do whatever you feel you need but make sure you are getting AT LEAST one day of time outside of the gym walls," she told Alpha Fit.

She also discusses the importance of rest. "Sleep falls under recovery but it is such an important tool that it deserves its own heading. I'm someone that struggles with sleep because my mind is always racing. It's definitely gotten better but I notice a massive difference when I don't follow my sleep routine. Find what works for you because getting a good night's sleep, not only quantity but quality can really accelerate your recovery and training," she said.
"Being a physiotherapist, I never feel like I have done enough prehab or warm up before I start so if I don't have a routine I would warm up all day. I think its super helpful to have a rough structure that whenever you go into the gym you follow so your body knows that whenever you do this, you are about to work out. The exercises may change slightly but the flow stays the same. For example, I always foam roll and lacrosse ball then I'll jump on a cardio machine for 10mins and then start a specific warm up for that particular training day. E.g. if I'm doing squats I'll do some hip openers and activate my glutes and If I'm doing gymnastics I'll do a chest or thoracic opener and then activate my shoulders," Ellie told Alpha Fit about the importance of rest.
Ellie does yoga. "My favourite way to chill and bring my nervous system back to some normality post training session!" she captioned a post. There is a laundry list of reasons to do yoga, explains Harvard Health. "Researchers found that people who practiced yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week for at least four years, gained less weight during middle adulthood," they said. "People who were overweight actually lost weight. Overall, those who practiced yoga had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) compared with those who did not practice yoga. Researchers attributed this to mindfulness. Mindful eating can lead to a more positive relationship with food and eating."
Fueling Her Body with Healthy Food
As for diet, Ellie fuels her body with healthy eats. "Food is one of the biggest tools to help you recover and perform your best consistently. Making sure you are not only eating enough but fuelling appropriately around your training so you aren't hitting slumps is super important. For a sport like CrossFit carbs are your best friend!" she said.