Fitness Influencer Lisa Lanceford in Two-Piece Workout Gear "Rediscovered Parts of Myself"

Fitness trainer Lisa Lanceford takes care of herself and recognizes that change takes time. Sharing before and after photos on Instagram, she captioned them "6 months postpartum and I'm still really enjoying this part of the journey. I love seeing the changes in a different chapter of my fitness journey and I'm feeling stronger emotionally, mentally, and physically. I personally missed the version of myself that felt familiar to me and wanted to reconnect with that part of myself again and to find the balance and [fulfillment]! I've definitely rediscovered parts of myself and reclaimed back my body and strength by doing what I've always done, which are ways for me to feel whole again. There's absolutely nothing selfish about wanting to feel grounded in your own skin again, I truly believe it's a way of looking after yourself that only strengthens the love you bring to those around you! 🥰." Here's how she stays focused and committed to getting and staying healthy.
She's proud of herself and other women
She reflects on being a mom and spends time with her beautiful family. "His smiles are so contagious. I was thinking the other day since becoming a new mum, I can't help but constantly reflect on just how incredibly strong women are! The entire journey of motherhood, from pregnancy to childbirth, and now navigating the ups and downs of caring for a newborn has honestly given me a newfound appreciation for the resilience, patience, and endurance that women possess, it's bloody tough! Every day brings new challenges, yet through it all, I've realised how much strength it takes not only physically but emotionally as well. It's made me admire all the mothers who have come before me, and those around me, who quietly carry so much on their shoulders. Women truly are remarkable and you're all doing a bloody fantastic great job," she said on Instagram.
She prioritizes her health
She focuses on building strength and feeling healthy. "Feeling stronger every week 😌💪🏼Happy mum, happy baby. Never feel bad for looking after your health and well-being! 🧠 No matter what anyone says … 🙃," she said on an Instagram photo of her flexing, looking confident and happy.
She is inspired by her partner
Her and her partner help each other remain motivated and reach their wellness goals. "His hug just made the burn better 🤭This particular set reminded me of back in the day type of training we used to do together! 😅🔥 teamwork makes the dream work 🥰," she said on a video of them working out in the gym.
She's strong
She trains because of how strong it makes her feel, inside and out. "Resistance training shouldn't just be about the way you look (I know that's hard to get passed since instagram is a visual platform 😅), although that is a huge bonus! It's also about longevity and doing it for your future self. At the beginning of my weight lifting journey my goal was to see if it was possible to gain any muscle at all on my tiny frame and to see what I would look like, and that goal was met along with building physical & mental strength, something that was new to me and was what kept me going back time after time because of the feeling it gave me," she said on Instagram.
She's present
Lisa takes the time to be in the moment and very present while traveling with her family. "First family holiday complete 🥰 Such beautiful quality time together, being so present in the moment with my boys," she said on Instagram, on a slideshow of photos and videos. According to, "presence is meditation in motion. It is the practice of bringing mindfulness into the activities of daily life. We can practice the art of being here, now, while waiting in a long grocery store line, changing a baby's diaper, or sitting in traffic. Presence involves a simple yet incredible shift—from the ordinary state of mind wandering to bringing our attention to the experience of what is happening right now. You can make this shift anytime, anywhere."