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Khloé Kardashian in Bathing Suit Says "Surfs Up"

Here are her most recent diet and fitness tips for staying in shape.

Khloé Kardashian is heating up social media in her swimsuit. The reality star shows off her famous figure while modeling the new Body Glove and Good American bathing suit collection in one of her latest social media posts. "Surfs up," she wrote in the Instagram caption. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 6 of Khloé Kardashian's most recent diet and fitness tips.


Prioritize Exercise

Mark Sagliocco/Getty Images

After Khloe was accused of using the weight loss drug, Ozempic, to lose weight, she pointed out that she has made exercise a priority for years. "Let's not discredit my years of working out," she wrote in a since-deleted Instagram comment. "I get up 5 days a week at 6am to train. Please stop with your assumptions."



Khloe recently started rowing. "Being a mama with a giant family, the holidays are intense. That's why I love working out on my Hydrow, I can get an amazing workout in a fraction of the time, especially on days I have like no time to myself," she captioned a recent post. She can "get a total body workout done in just 20 minutes," she wrote in another post. "Efficiency is key for me in this crazy life and I'm obsessed with my new Hydrow. Not to mention, the classes are beautifully shot outside, on the water, all over the world, not trapped in a studio, giving me an amazing mood boost right from home."


Practice "Healthy Habits"

Kevin Mazur/WireImage

How did Khloé get in the best shape of her life? "For me, it's about practicing healthy habits on a daily basis. I have to think of it as a lifestyle rather than thinking I want to try this diet or some other thing someone was talking about. I'm so over that stage in my life. It's cliché, but it's all about mind, body, and soul. If I am not mentally strong then I physically feel like I can't do what I want to do," she recently told Health


Prioritize Your Emotional Health

Khloé has a few ways that she protects her emotional health. "I turned to the gym when I was going through a divorce. At first, your body is, like, dying. But emotionally and mentally, the release that I got was worth it. I quickly realized how good I feel when I'm consistent with it," she told Health. "I also like to read books, and I love family time. I'm a hermit crab—my zodiac sign is Cancer, and I'm very much a homebody. I need my alone time. After my daughter goes to bed, I don't want to be around people. I want to lie in bed and watch TV—that's my recharge moment."


Change Your Relationship with Food

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Khloé maintains that changing your relationship with food is the key to losing weight. "I've actually always had a really unhealthy relationship with food. When I was younger and was sad, I would eat—I was an emotional eater. And then I hated the way I felt after that. I was almost punishing myself for binging or having a bag of chips—it just became so much thought," she told Health. "When I started working out, I decided to make some lifestyle changes. So I'd say, for example, this week I am just going to do one thing—I'm just going to cut out sugar. Then, maybe I'd try to do it for a month. After that, I'd try to incorporate another healthy change."


Don't Diet

Khloe is anti-diet. "I had tried every diet under the sun. Remember when Beyoncé did that lemon juice and cayenne pepper thing? I was like, sign me up! That's why I yo-yoed my entire life—I was always chasing some fad," she told Health. "I want to say about food, it's this: Don't diet. When you diet, you are basically setting yourself up for failure. I mean, the word die is in there!" she wrote in her book, Strong Looks Better Naked. "You're not allowing yourself to enjoy the food you love, and it will only make you want it that much more. Make smart lifestyle changes, one baby step at a time."

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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