Bianca Bustamante is soaking up the sun in her two-piece workout gear. In a new social media post the racecar driver shows off her amazing body in an exercise set while sunbathing. “Made it to Qatar!! Today was a rest day so took the liberty to work on the tan 🙈Proud morena hehh,” she captioned the Instagram snap. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.
1. Race Car Driving
Bianca explained to MEGA Active that race car driving is a great form of exercise, and maintains that you can lose up to 6 pounds per race due to dehydration and fatigue. “It is one of the most physically taxing sports I’ve ever experienced in my life. We have to go through so much G’s [G-Force] when we’re driving and at such high speeds where we need to be able to maintain our core and maintain our neck,” she said.
2. Strength Training
Bianca strives to out-train her competitors, spending hours nearly everyday at the gym where she focuses on strength training along with endurance, cardio, reaction time, and reflexes. “You know, to be a driver, it’s a complete package. It takes strength. It takes mental fortitude. It takes reflexes, smart thinking, and survival skills,” she told MEGA Active. “Sometimes it's for the body, sometimes it's for the mind. Nothing more peaceful than early sessions,” she captioned an Instagram post of one of her sessions.
3. Fueling Her Body with Protein
Diet is also an integral part of fueling her body for performance. She makes sure to amp up her protein intake to build more muscle and stay as lean as possible to meet the weight requirement. “It’s been a really cool journey seeing my body develop and transform into this whole different person I never knew I could become,” she said.
4. Cold Plunge
Recovery is also important to her strategy. Cold plunging is part of Bianca’s training regime.
5. Positive Self-Talk
One thing Bianca is working on? Positive self-talk. “Of course, I put a lot of pressure on myself, but in the end, I always tell myself that as long as I give my best and I learn from it, any mistake I make is valid,” she explained. “I always try to repeat that to myself that I am valid. I’m here for a reason and there’s nothing I would rather do than be here.”