Fitness Trainer Rachel Dillon in Workout Gear Shares a Day In the Life

Australian trainer Rachel Dillon is showing fans what a typical summer day looks like for the busy fitness influencer (don't forget, it's summer Down Under!). Dillon shared highlights of her food and activity, including a picture of herself wearing a white crop top and leggings, heading for a workout in the sunshine. "@movewithus meals coming into summer🥭🥗🫐," she captioned the cheerful post. Dillon strives for balance and encourages others to do the same—here's what her health and fitness regimen looks like.
Just Start!
Dillon's best advice for fitness newbies is to just start. "Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone," she told Happy Way. "Remember, we all started somewhere, but you have to be willing to learn and put in the effort. Write down your goals and your reasons why, stay consistent, trust the process, celebrate the small wins, and enjoy the journey."
Lots of Fiber
Dillon is passionate about nutrition, especially showing those who are trying to eat at a deficit how to make filling, delicious meals. "I focus on adding high-fiber foods to my meals such as whole grains, vegetables and chia seeds to keep me feeling fuller for longer," she says in an Instagram post about her daily diet. "On top of this, fiber is beneficial for our gut health so it's a win-win 🙌."
High-Volume, Low-Density Foods

Dillon loves foods that give you bang for the buck, calorie-wise. "You may have heard of volume eating but what does it exactly mean? This is where you focus on foods that are higher in volume (size) but lower in density (calories). For example, I might opt for 4x rice cakes with toppings over half a bagel to fill me up for the same calories!" she says on Instagram.
Non-Starchy Vegetables

Dillon loves low-starch vegetables as part of her diet. "Non-starchy veggies are high in fiber and extremely low in calories which is why it is not necessary to track these (if you are tracking). They are the perfect way to bulk up meals to help me feel satisfied + they are loaded with micronutrients (and delicious) 😻," she says.
Lifting Weights
Dillon says muscle is key for a strong, fit body. "Lifting weights will not make you bulky!" she told Happy Way. "Achieving a so-called "bulky" look for a woman requires a particular type of training and nutrition protocols. Please don't be scared to gain muscle—it's often a necessary step to building your dream figure. At Move With Us, our goal is to help you achieve your goals no matter what they are, and we're here to provide all the support and tools you need to do so.