Indian actress Shefali Jariwala is already having the best summer, judging by her playful social media updates. Jariwala, 40, shared pictures of herself frolicking in the pool in a blue bathing suit, making funny faces as she enjoyed the beautiful water. “Summer mood 24/7… ☀️☀️🍹🍹⛱️⛱️🌊🌊,” she captioned the post. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Jariwala stays in shape and the photos that prove they work.
1. She Loves Being Active
Jariwala takes genuine pleasure in working out and staying active. “Being fit makes me feel healthier and it also helps in maintaining a relaxed state of mind,” she says. “Diet coupled with gymming makes for a powerful recipe for good health. So for me, it’s always gym with a healthy diet… I do spinning twice a week, and weight training and yoga thrice a week. Also, I am an active person so I am dancing all the time, I love to walk and take the stairs occasionally.”
2. Lifting Heavy Weights
Jariwala’s favorite workout is weight training. “I do extremely heavy weights and because I believe that if you want to look like a goddess, you’ve got to train like a beast,” she says. “So I do train like a man. I do train like a beast. And I guess I have a very strong core. I have developed it through the years.”
3. Water and Vitamin C
Jariwala swears by water and vitamin C for beautiful skin. “The best item to consume for better skin is water,” she says. “The more water you drink, the better your skin looks, the better your system cleans, the better you feel. Your energy levels are up. After water comes vitamin C. Any food with vitamin C such as oranges or citrus fruits helps with the anti-oxidation.”
4. Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga yoga is a core part of Jariwala’s workouts. “I do ashtanga yoga, advanced ashtanga yoga,” she says. “I’ve been doing that for a long time as well. So I really like yoga that helps me with my stretching and my lung capacity, the breathing exercises and kind of for the mind. It’s a great workout, for the mind as well as the body. I go to the gym three times a week. I do have a personal trainer and we try and do various different kinds of exercises and different routines every now and then to give the body a shot.”
5. Organic Skincare
Jariwala is diligent about maintaining her skin health, especially when it comes to sunblock. “I keep my skin and hair care simple and organic,” she says. “The number one reason for skin aging is the sun and for that, I always wear sunscreen, even if I am at home. I wash my face with neem-based organic face wash and exfoliate it twice a week since I have oily skin. Also, using clay-based face packs 1-2 times a week helps. Most importantly, I make it a point to remove my makeup no matter how tired I am. For my hair, I oil regularly with warm olive oil twice a week and use deep conditioners every week.”