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Songwriter of the Year Olivia Rodrigo in Two-Piece Workout Gear Says "LOL" on Trampoline

From running to bacon, mental health to bubble baths, learn all about Rodrigo's healthy lifestyle habits.

Olivia Rodrigo is jumping on the trampoline – in her workout gear. In a new social media post the Songwriter of the Year recipient shows off her bounce and her fit figure in a two-piece exercise set during an outdoor sweat session. "LOL," she wrote across the Instagram Stories image. How does she approach diet, fitness, and self-care? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.



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Olivia enjoys pounding the pavement. Though she confessed to being "a terrible runner" it's "the thought that counts," she told Teen Vogue in an interview. Running is a great workout for cardiovascular health, muscle building, and weight loss. "For every mile run, the average person will burn approximately 100 calories," explains Mayo Clinic.


​Bacon, Matcha, Pasta, In-N-Out

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During an interview with Vogue, Olivia revealed a few of her favorite foods, starting with bacon, which is part of her self-care routine. "I wake up and make my little matcha and I make bacon for myself, and then I sit at the piano and try to write something, even if it's s**t," she told the magazine. She added that "almost every night before a show" she has a turkey sandwich and she loves baking banana bread and whipping up Cacio e Pepe. And her fast food orders? "I love a good McDonald's oatmeal. I also love an In-N-Out double-double cheeseburger with a Neapolitan shake," she said.


​Mental Health

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Olivia prioritizes her mental health. During an interview with CBS Sunday Morning for Mental Illness Awareness Week, she revealed that therapy has been "life-changing" for her. "I hadn't really started going till I was like, 16," she said. "That was a really big, life-changing moment. I've learned so much about myself." She continued: "Sometimes people are like, 'Oh, you don't need that. You have so much. Your life is so great. What are your problems?'" Olivia said. "I think that's definitely a thing that sometimes older people can do to younger people, too — kind of trivialize what they're going through just because, you know, 'Ah, they're fine, they're just kids. They'll get through it.' But it feels so real when you're in it. It's so valid."



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One of Olivia's top self-care health habits? "I love a bubble bath," she confessed during Vogue's 73 Questions. How can baths do your body and mind good? They have been linked to better sleep and even found helpful to minimize anxiety and depression. One recent study even found that they may even boast cardiovascular benefits.



Olivia Rodrigo / Instagram

Olivia is a fan of Pilates, which she does with her BFF Madison Hu. Why is pilates a good workout? According to the Mayo Clinic there are lots of benefits to the workout, as it "strengthens the body's inner core while increasing its flexibility resulting in improved overall health. It can also promote longer, leaner muscles, injury prevention, relief from stress and back pain, enhanced athletic performance, and heightened mind-body awareness.



During a recent trip to Hawaii, Olivia went for a hike. "Hiking is one of the best ways to get exercise. No matter what type of trail you find yourself on, hiking is a great whole-body workout—from head to toe and everything in between," says the National Parks Service. Some of the physical benefits include building stronger muscles and bones, improving your sense of balance, improving your heart health, and decreasing the risk of certain respiratory problems. It also offers many mental health benefits, according to a Stanford University study.

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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