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Suki Waterhouse in Bathing Suit Says "Thank You So Much"

Here’s how this model stays fit.

Suki Waterhouse is enjoying a well-earned break at the luxurious Mayrlife Medical Health Resort on beautiful Lake Altaussee, Austria. Waterhouse shared pictures and video of her trip, including ones of her relaxing on a paddleboard in a purple bikini on the lake, against a dramatic background of mountains and clear blue skies. "Every year I try to go with my best friend @poppyjamie to @mayrlife_official home of the most stunning nature I've ever seen, the most mindful people and nurturing care you could hope for. Thank you so much for having us back," she captioned the post. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Waterhouse stays in shape and the photos that prove they work.


Barre Classes

Taylor Hill/Getty Images

Waterhouse enjoys dance-based exercise classes and workouts that are tough but not torturous. "What I do really depends where I am," she says. "I'm really not good at running but I do love boxing. I also really enjoy this Barre class in LA called Physique Fitness 57, but you can definitely get the same kind of thing here in London. I do really like vigorous exercise, but I actually don't agree that you should do too much tough exercise if you want to keep trim. Sometimes I get so into it and I just end up being really hungry, then I eat so much more and the result is that I become really quite muscly."


Personal Trainer Sessions

John Shearer/WireImage

Waterhouse works out with trainer Dan Roberts when she's in the UK. "We do a mix of resistance training with heavy weights, lots of ab/core work and a fair amount of kickboxing," Roberts says. "The 'Bikini Shaper' is a toning move that has worked well for Suki and other models I train. It works glutes, firms and tones obliques and strengthens core muscles."


No Carb/Protein Mixing

Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images

Waterhouse follows a retro diet where she doesn't mix up carbohydrates and protein. "I really live by something I read in this book from the '80s which I skimmed over years ago called 'Fit for Life' – it's very old school, but it basically says that you should never eat carbs and protein together," she says. "It is so difficult for your body to break them down at the same time, so just have carbs with vegetables or meat with vegetables instead. It means I can have a load of mashed potato, but then I just won't eat any meat with it or vice versa. I think a lot of feeling bloated or not feeling your best self is all to do with digestion and this tip has really helped me."


Keeping It Real


Waterhouse is open about the work it takes to have her physique. "I like it when people are honest about what they do," she says. "I do get really fed up of hearing people saying that they don't do any exercise and then seeing them post pictures of macaroni cheese on Instagram. I just find it really disingenuous because I know some of the people that are putting this image out there and I know that's not the case. That really annoys me."


Yoga and Running

Waterhouse also does yoga and running with Roberts. "I do different things – I do Vinyasa yoga and I'll work out with a trainer Dan Roberts  in Richmond Park near where I live," she says. "I do drills and running there – it's an amazing place. I love the idea of running up hills and rolling around in mud – it's my favorite time of the week and Dan really pushes me. He's hardcore. I also go to TriYoga and hot yoga (not Bikram) and I do occasional Pilates, which I should do more of."

Ferozan Mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience. Read more
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