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Wrestler Deonna Purrazzo in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shares Motivational Message

She shares her journey, workout tips, and lessons in authenticity.

Deonna Purrazzo, a powerhouse in the wrestling world, has solidified her success with IMPACT, even winning the Knockout Championship. Having also been a part of WWE's NXT brand, Purrazzo is no stranger to hard work and determination. Recently, she shared inspiring messages and workout tips in an Instagram collaboration with coach Cezar Bonni.


She Worked With A Coach


Purrazzo shared her journey into wrestling with Yahoo Sports. She says that she worked with a coach to help her train. "Nine years after informing my parents of my career decision, 130 pounds soaking wet, I stepped into a professional wrestling gym for the first time. The gym – The Adams Pro-Wrestling Training Camp – was barely 20 minutes from our house. There were half a dozen trainees. I was the only girl. The coach, Damian Adams, directed us to the ring, which was set up towards the back under a low ceiling."


She Works Hard

Purrazzo tells Yahoo Sports that she makes sure to work hard when it comes to training. "For the next year, I trained like that every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. My body toughened up and as I learned the fundamentals of the craft. Training exclusively with men, I see now, wasn't a disadvantage. My offense had to be extra crisp to be believable against them — and I had to hit the technique on a slam or suplex exactly right every single time. Unlike some of the guys, I couldn't rely on pure muscle to get the job done."


She Stood Up For Herself

Purrazzo opened up about her decision to leave NXT with Yahoo Sports. She says that she wanted to stand up for herself and receive feedback from them, and they weren't giving it to her. "After a year of frustration and doing anything I could to please, I finally stood up for myself by — politely — suggesting an alternative: Couldn't I lose to someone new? Wouldn't wrestling someone different make sense all around? The answer came back, no, you are losing to the same wrestler. No discussion, no 'we understand your concern,' no sign that one side of this professional relationship was prepared to listen to the other. Something changed in me. I thought about it and then I emailed back, with respect, that wasn't in my own interests and I'd prefer not to be part of that television taping. It was very liberating. I felt like I did when I was wrestling on the independent circuit, ready to take a chance on myself again."


She's Authentic

While Purrazzo plays a character in the ring, she tells Yahoo Sports that it is pretty authentic to who she is. "When I made my big return to IMPACT Wrestling last summer, it was as a heel and I sewed the experience of the previous year into my character. In my persona's mind, I'd been held down, treated unfairly and there was every justification to selfishly go after what I wanted. My character — and my real self — would not be asking for permission anymore. I fit in at IMPACT. Its women's division – the Knockouts – is run by Gail Kim, one of the legends I looked up to as a kid. I hit the ground running, excited to prove what I could do with this new chance."


She Does Cardio

Purrazzo revealed in her Instagram post that she does a lot of cardio to stay in shape. Cardio workouts are important. The Mayo Clinic reports, "During aerobic activity, you repeatedly move large muscles in your arms, legs and hips. You'll notice your body's responses quickly. You'll breathe faster and more deeply. This maximizes the amount of oxygen in your blood. Your heart will beat faster, which increases blood flow to your muscles and back to your lungs."

Anna Bechtel
Anna Bechtel is a freelance writer currently based in Hamden, CT. Read more
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