Sanya Malhotra is dancing before she works out in her sports bra and shorts. In a new social media post the Indian actress shows off her amazing figure during a pre-workout warmup. “Hass hass ke workout,” she captioned the Instagram clip of herself dancing and then lifting a super heavy barbell. “Woooohhh..thats vibe... effortless both workout and dance moves,” commented one of her followers. “I need that kinda energy in my life,” added another. How does the star stay fit? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.
1. Consistency
Sanya maintains that consistency is key when it comes to shaping up. "Nothing can happen overnight," she said during 2018 Instagram live per Deccan Chronicle. "Only with regular and consistent training, can your body change."
2. Strength Training
Malhotra relies on strength training to stay in shape. In these two reels on Instagram she does deadlifts with a barbell. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength and weight training help reduce body fat, preserve and increase lean muscle mass, and burn calories more efficiently. Strength training may also help you:
- Develop strong bones
- Manage your weight
- Enhance your quality of life
- Manage chronic conditions
- Sharpen your thinking skills
3. Dancing
As can be evidenced in her post, Malhotra also loves to dance. Dancing is a great workout for many reasons. Not only does it build strength and promote flexibility, but helps you lose weight and even promotes cardiovascular function. A 2016 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine determined that people who engaged in moderate-intensity dancing were 46 percent less likely to develop heart disease or die from it than non-dancers. In comparison, moderate-intensity walkers were just 25 percent less likely to suffer heart health issues.
4. A“Healthy Balanced Diet”
Malhotra maintains a healthy diet. "To lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to have a healthy balanced diet, exercise and rest. I am a fan of desi food and prefer dal chawal with ghee, dahi chawal, and khichdi,” said in the above Instagram Live session.
5. Meat-Free Diet
You won’t find meat on Sanya’s plate. “I wanted to become a vegetarian for a very long time. This year, it all happened very organically. Also, because of the second lockdown amid the pandemic,” she told the Hindustan Times “Since I was alone in Mumbai, it gave me a lot of time to experiment in the kitchen and make good vegetarian and vegan stuff for myself to eat. During all that, I found a lot of substitutes for meat and eggs and dairy that I was used to eating. In fact, now, I’m actually enjoying eating all the substitutes,” she added. “I can see a lot of difference (after the decision). I have a lot of energy during the day, and just feel lighter, as opposed to the times when I used to eat non-vegetarian food.”