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Sasha DiGiulian in Two-Piece Workout Gear Trains

"There’s many ways to train endurance for climbing...."

Sasha DiGiulian is rocking climbing in her workout clothes. In a new social media post the pro climber shows off her incredible body and strength while sharing a workout with her followers. "I am very grateful to have a new set of @escapeclimbing holds on my Treadwall in my home gym to help me train endurance from the comfort of my garage. There's many ways to train endurance for climbing, but if you have Treadwall or climbing gym access, see below for an endurance workout to try. Grab your @escapeclimbing Chunky Nuggets chalk and get after it!" she captioned the post. 


Fiber, Lean Protein, Veggies

Sasha DiGiulian/Instagram

Sasha fuels her body with healthy food. "I believe in everything in moderation. I focus on fueling my body with a high-fiber, vegetable diet and lean protein – chicken and salmon, mainly. Though, I do enjoy red wine and cookies," she tells Men's Journal.


Encompassing Rather Than Eliminating

Sasha tries to avoid restricting herself. "I am not very strict with myself, especially when I am training hard. I follow a more encompassing – rather than eliminating – diet; making sure I have enough protein and greens throughout the day, more than anything else," Sasha says. 


Warm Water with Lemon and Mint


Sasha starts the day with a healthy drink. "I work with a sports nutritionist, Alex Pazinopolous from the Pazio Institute. One habit that I follow is having lemon, mint and warm water first thing in the morning," she explained to Men's Journal. I then have green tea and a green smoothie before or after I go to yoga. When I am back, I have breakfast; typically oatmeal with protein powder, or Greek yogurt with fruit and granola.  After training I have a protein shake and I typically have dinner around 7 p.m.


Daily Training

Sasha spends hours every day training. "I tend to train in the middle of the day – about 12 to 4 p.m." she says. "I train five to six days a week for 4-8 hours and I stretch most days. I try to do yoga three times per week and I cross train with cardio about four to five times a week."


Here Is Her Workout

Warm Up: "Climb 3-4 grades below your 'redpoint' level for 10 minutes continuously with rests as needed," Sasha recommends. "If you're in a gym, traversing is great; high volume easy boulders — or Treadwall, I like to do 45-60 secs on— rest— then build up to 3-4 minutes continuously climbing>"

Power Endurance (4 sets): 1 minute on, 1 minute off at 1-2 grades below your max. "If you climb 5.11, try 5.9+-5.10's. If you climb 5.13, try 5.11+ or 5.12's, etc," she explains. "If you're not on a Treadwall and you're at the gym, do single route reps."

Interval Training (6-8 sets): "2 grades below redpoint grade — 2 mins on/2 mins off," she says. "If you're not on a Treadwall and you're at the gym, do doubles — climb up the wall, lower- pull the rope and climb right back up!"

Endurance Blowout (2 sets): "4 minutes continuously climbing 3-4 grades below red point grade," she suggests. "At the gym this may be more like triples or quadruples since unlike the Treadwall, you do have to factor in some broken time of rest lowering from the top, and pulling back on."

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