Sherri Shepherd in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shows Off "Summer Body"

Sherri Shepherd is working on her summer body in a sports bra and shorts. In a new social media post the star shows off her incredibly toned figure during a workout session at the gym. "Making a summer body in zero degree weather ❤️. It's cold but can you feel the heat? trainer @bodysculpt #sherrishepherd #teamhealthy #canyoufeeltheburn," she captioned the post. In the clip she does a bunch of exercises including hip thrusts, pull downs, and single leg step ups with weights. "I wish I had this discipline," one of her followers commented. "Every time I think about not working out I see you lol. So that's a sign," added another follower. How has the celebrity transformed her body at 56? Celebwell has the details on her lifestyle habits.
Roller Skating
In early April 2021, Sherri revealed that she started roller skating to get into shape. "I am determined to step out of my comfort zone & learn to skate! Who wants to take their skates out & join me!" she asked her followers.
Sleep, Meditation, and Therapy
According to Sherri, losing weight isn't all about diet and exercise. "Started this weight loss journey 8 mos ago, but making other changes in my life helped me lose even more lbs… getting consistent sleep, meditation, finding a great therapist to help me unpack hurt… forgiving those who've done me harm… more acceptance… less religion & more relationship… discovering that God loves me no matter what (yeah I am freaky and I curse😂), more water, more walking… being thankful, finding my worth… saying no… had to say goodbye to some friends who weren't good for me. Peace makes the weight fall off. What are you doing to find your peace?" she wrote in an Instagram post.

Sherri loves Zumba classes. "I was 197 pounds, sitting on my couch, eating pizza and watching infomercials…This infomercial for Zumba showed up and I couldn't get to my credit card fast enough! I knew it was time," she told People.
Eating Healthy, Even When She Doesn't Want To
Shepherd once shared a photo of a veggie and bean salad, explaining to her followers that it wasn't her first choice of a meal. "Do I want a #2 with fries. Yes I do, but I love how I feel better more than that cheeseburger that would be clogging my arteries & inflaming the tissue around my heart, causing diabetes to choke the life out of me. I kind of like this feeling of feeling good! Just want to encourage you to put down the salt shaker, add more veggies to your plate and drink more water! You've got so much to live for!" she wrote.
A few years ago, Sherri revealed to a fan that she was on a low carb diet. "I am doing keto," she commented to a follower. She also revealed that she had omitted sugar, dairy, beef, pork, and alcohol from her diet, and was drinking only water and tea. Another rule she was following? No eating after 7 or 8 p.m.