Siena Palicke is a very successful influencer on Instagram and TikTok. She is known for her content about being a runner and a pre-med student. Palicke is finishing up her senior year at Texas A&M. She shared some recent life highlights on Instagram, captioning it, “Welcome to college.”
She Runs
Palicke obviously runs to keep herself in shape. Valley Oaks Health states that running has a lot of benefits. “Running has a wide variety of health benefits like improving blood pressure, building heart muscles, and strengthening bones. Beyond the physical benefits, running is also proven to positively impact your mental health. So, hop on the treadmill, hit the trails, and read on to learn why you should make running part of your exercise routine.”
She's Consistent
Palicke makes sure to stay consistent with her training. She advertised her fitness program in this Instagram video. Palicke captioned the post, “Happy new years…⭐️Want to become a runner? How long do you think you could run consistently for? A day, a week? How about over a month? ⭐️Want some buddies?? Join my RunnerGirl (RG) Challenge - New Years Edition🕺🏼🥳 for a training plan & community of running buddies to motivate and encourage you! ⭐️You will run consistently for OVER A MONTH!”
She Swims
Palicke likes to swim to keep herself in shape. She shared these photos on Instagram of herself and some friends enjoying a beach day. Swimming has a lot of health benefits. Better Health states, “Swimming has many other benefits including: being a relaxing and peaceful form of exercise, alleviating stress, improving coordination, balance and posture, improving flexibility, providing good low-impact therapy for some injuries and conditions, providing a pleasant way to cool down on a hot day.”