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Sophie Guidolin in Two-Piece Workout Gear Says "I Push For My Children, For My Community, For Myself"

"I chose and choose differently."

Sophie Guidolin is sharing an inspiring message – in her workout gear. In a new social media post the personal trainer exercises in a video compilation, showing off her amazingly fit figure. "I've faced some low points. We all have. Life can throw a lemon (or six) 🍋, but it's how you respond that defines you. Every setback I've had could have been my reason to give up, to drop the bar, to hide under a rock, to abandon the dream. But I chose and choose differently. I push for my children, for my community, for myself," she writes in the caption. How does the 34-year-old approach health and wellness? Here is everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits. 


Morning Workouts 3 to 5 Times a Week

Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

Sophie begins her day with a workout. "The alarm goes off at 4:30am. I get up, get dressed, grab my overnight oats from the fridge (which I eat in the car), hit the gym for a weights session and am back at home before my four children are awake and ready to start their day, she tells Women Fitness. How often does she work out? "3-4 in a normal week, 4-5 in the lead-up to a competition," she says. 


Protein and Energizing Carbs


Sophie's go-to breakfast? "Overnight oats are my go-to and I make my own version of 'Snicker Oats' which I never get sick of – oats, water, chocolate protein powder, macadamia butter and maple syrup," she tells Women FItness. "Overnight oats to provide protein and carbs to fuel my morning workout. Then I love eating a big lunch like butter chicken or teriyaki chicken with rice."


Weight Training and Minimal Cardio

Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

Sophie's go to workout is weight lifting. "I LOVE weight training. I do minimal 'traditional' cardio, but a solid weight session can get your heart pumping as much as a cardio sesh – with a longer after-burn," she says. For legs, I love squats, sumo deadlifts and hip thrusts. For abs, I actually find that the compound lifts train my core without the need for specific 'ab' workouts. For upper body, pull-ups are key. I love rows because they help with my posture (I have scoliosis) and like pull down as it helps develop the muscles required to assist in pull ups!"



Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

Sophie follows the MACROS Diet? "Macros stands for macronutrients – the 'big three' components of every food: fats, protein and carbs. By tracking your macros against your nutritional and body compositional goals, you can eat the foods you love and still get the body you want. First you work out your daily caloric intake, based on your body composition and activity level. Then you calculate your goal intake of fats, protein and carbs. Then you track your food (I use MyFitnessPal) to ensure you don't over- and under-eat a particular macro. It's a flexible way of mindfully eating, which allows me to eat out with my kids, travel without dietary restriction, and live lean year-round," she tells Women Fitness. 


10 to 14 Reps

Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

In a recent Instagram post, Sophie discusses counting reps. "There is a rep range of 10-14 that is the golden ticket to hypertrophy, where muscles whisper (or sometimes shout), 'We're growing, babe!' 📈 It's like baking the perfect cake – the right ingredients, the right time, and boom – masterpiece! 🎂 However, I like to focus on 4-6 reps (SUPER heavy!) then 10-14 reps and then a VOLUME day…. 42+ reps.. hahaha like my 8kg dumbbell curls," she says. 

Leah Groth
Leah Groth has decades of experience covering all things health, wellness and fitness related. Read more
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