Janette Manrara is getting honored on her birthday in her swimsuit. In a few new social media posts reshared by the Strictly Come Dancing star, friends wished her well on her special day by posting bathing suit snaps on Instagram. “I love you,” wrote one. “Cheers to you continuing to shine your light.” How does the star approach her health and manage to look much younger than 40? Celebwell rounded up her top health habits.
1. Wellness
“Wellbeing is everything. It’s about finding a way to be physically active and mentally stimulated and happy. There are so many different ways we can look after our mind and our body and put that into one,” Manrara told The Independent. “There’s no one solution for anyone – I learned that through my wellbeing courses. It’s about finding that balance that’s right for you, not trying fit an image, profile or a certain type. We all come in different shapes and sizes, and finding what works for you is what I think wellbeing is all about – what makes you ultimately happy and feel good.”
2. Cooking
Janette has a hobby: cooking. "I love the kitchen! I never thought I would fall in love with cooking and baking but I find it almost therapeutic to put music on and follow a really great recipe. I make mean fajitas and a great spaghetti bolognese and the most satisfying thing in the world is to hear Aljaz go 'Mmmm, that's delicious',” she said.
3. Weight Lifting
Janette has been “really getting into weight training,” she told Independent. “I’m doing a bit of running, and I like to be at home and just do 25 minutes of body exercises, just here with my yoga mat, as much as I can. That’s helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep an eye on my weight, because I did feel the difference, in my muscles especially, when I stopped Strictly.”
4. Regular Workouts
Janette Manrara/Instagram
Janette is consistent with exercise. “Those 20-30 minute workouts I can squeeze in even when I’m on holiday have been really helpful. I try and exercise at least three times a week, if I’m really good then four times a week, even if it’s on my own in my hotel room if I’m on holiday, or here at home, and be careful with what I’m putting into my body. But not too careful either, because it’s good to relax and have a break,” she told Independent.
5. ”Balanced Diet
Janette Manrara/Instagram
“I wouldn’t say I eat healthily, but I think I’m very balanced with my food. If I’ve been very good in the day, I allow myself a little treat in the evening, or if I’ve been naughty in the day then I try to eat not too bad later. I also watch my portions – I don’t have big portions of anything,” Janette said about her diet. “But I’m not a crazy fiend about eating super-healthy, I just try and keep my plate balanced, with a little bit of salad, a little bit of veggies, some protein and some carbs, and if I want a little treat afterwards, then a piece of chocolate or anything like that,” she added to Independent. She also loves pizza and burgers. “I don’t think it’s about cutting things out completely, it’s just about balancing it out, and watching what you put into your body.”